Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Well, I figure it is about time…..

Well, I have covered all the aspects of the title of my blog except one….the hair. Now I know that there are a lot of you out there that think that this a gross topic and it is people like you that deserve to suffer (well, maybe not like pain in any way, but at the very least lots and lots of tickle torture, or pure humiliation) You see, I am hairy, I am very hairy and I have been that way almost my entire life. I really think that my mother bathed me in Rogaine as a small child. For women early blooming is sometimes painful and just as humiliating, but for guys it is hair! Now, I high school I hated any talk that included all the girls thinking how gross hair was, especially back hair. I spent most of my life in Jr. High and High School thinking that no girl would ever marry me, because how gross they thought back hair was. (you can now feel sorry for me) I mean, every girl out there (that was remotely cute) thought that back hair was absolutely gross beyond anything they could imagine, and with every comment another surgically plunged dagger whole appeared in my heart.

(side note… I am happily married and it is largely due to Tiffany loving Magnum P.I. on TV, woo hoo thank you Tom Selleck for being sexy and hairy!!!! You allowed me to be married, ha ha ha ha /side note)

Well, getting back to the story……. I thought I would tell you all how hairy I am so I can at least say that I have covered all the aspects of the title of my blog so here goes…..

I was in High School and I was a member of Spirit Wind (a United Methodist Conference Choir). The choir covered 2 weeks of the summer and the schedule would be that we would sing that evening in a church and then the member’s of the church would host a few youth in their homes over the evening then feed us breakfast and we would then go back to the church has a worship service then load back up into the busses and drive to the next church and do it all over again. It was tons of fun, and yet very disturbing in some houses, heh. Well, one evening I went with a large group of guys and one of the guys brought a set of clippers (by clippers I mean the electric trimmers that you can use to cut hair or just clean up the sideburns, etc…) Well, when you are gone for a week on the road sometimes the neck hair gets unruly and it is nice to trim it up every now and then (besides there were lots of good looking girls that were in the choir) Well, I was feeling a little (ok a lot) hairy and I asked if he could clean up the back of my neck. He said, “sure” and so we put a towel over the pool table and he started trimming. Little did I know that he would be the man of my dreams (dreams that promoted death and humiliation for the rest of his life to pay back for what he did to me). Well, while he was “trimming” my neck I guess he had a discussion with Satan and decided that it would be funny to shave a line right down the middle of my back. Now, I had a nice looking neck, with a nature trail going right down the center of my back!!! I thought to myself, “No he did not just shave a straight line down my back….doe he realize that I could crush him with my left hand pinky finger?” He proceeded to laugh out loud and gather all the other guys to see his “masterpiece”. They all proceeded to roll on the ground in devilish laughter while I continued to think, “OK, how can I poison them all and get away with it?....OK D.G. you have two options, Option #1 Just leave it as it is and let it grow back, Option #2 Shave the entire back and let it grow back evenly.” After the guy drug himself up from the floor he asked the question that should make you think, “Hey can I shave a cross in your back?” I then proceeded to do some more thinking, “Death, DEath, DEAth, DEATh, DEATH…...He has no idea , he really has no idea….Well, what the heck, he might as well enjoy the last moments of his life.” So, he proceeds to shave a cross in my back….then I felt what felt like him shaving the cross crooked, but it turns out that he was shaving sun rays coming out of the center of the cross. (this is the time that you say to yourself, “wow, D.G. really is hairy”. Well, needless to say I never killed him, (in real life that is, heh) and the next day I had a very weird experience. I was sitting in a pew waiting for the worship service to start that morning, and then I felt a bug on my back, I brushed it just like anyone would and then I sat back down. Well, I kept on feeling a bug on my back. I even had some people check to see if there was a bug on my back and nothing….Then I finally realized what it was……for the first time in my life I was actually feeling my shirt on the skin on my back!!! See, when he shaved the cross there was not any hair and for the first time I felt my shirt against my skin which used to be push back by my back hair, heh (this is the time you think to yourself, OK he really is hairy!) Yep, I am a hairy Pastor.

Ok there you all go, I have now officially covered all the aspects of my blog title. If you are interested in the others then by all means just read through and find them all. A free blog post (unedited my me, unless it is not appropriate words) on my blog to anyone who can find all the posts (name their titles and date) that include anything about my blog title!!!! Yeah cheesy prize I know, but it is the only thing I can think of. It could be good though, heh.

Jay Update:

Well, Jay went into the hospital on Tuesday and he left the hospital today. Apparently this round of chemo is what loosens the cells and especially the stem cells into the blood stream for them to harvest and then do the stem cell transplant stuff. He was having a hard time with one thing, but I am sure if he is home that he is doing much better now. So please KUTP! (man I can’t wait until the day that I will never will have a Jay update again! Heh)

Well, I got a new trash can today, and I hope this one Halo will not be able to get into! The Target one is horrible and now we ordered this one!Well, there you go and I hope you enjoy this long post. At the very least I hope it brought a smile to your face! Any maybe made all you people that are grossed out by hair to think twice when making fun of hair, especially hair on babies that were bathed in Rogaine!

BTW: Tiffany’s Mother is just fine. He had not gotten good news about her heart, but now the Dr.’s think she is just fine, so that is good news!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

well, I knew this would happen....

When I started this blog I knew that this would happen. Just like all the others "fads" in my life I love them whole heartedly for about 4-6 months and then they fall by the way side and then I pick them back up a year later (if I ever do) and then just do it every now and then. Well, my life has been so crazy lately and I hope this common occurrence in my life is not happening again (this time with my blog) aaaarrrrgggggg! heh

Well, I typed up a big long blog telling you all the story about how hairy I am, and then firefox shut down on me because while I was out getting pictures one site had some messed up Java and I could not go and copy and paste the blog post. So.... I will get you all the long over due news on Tiffany's mother, my hairy back, and some other fun the mean time (because right now I am at work and just feeling guilty enough to type a quick blog post for the faithful that actually ready this everynow and then) you can read about the interesting press event they had when the Star Wars DVD's were released:

Star Wars DVD Press Event

Yall have a great day and God bless you all!

BTW: Go get the DVD's they are amazing especially considering how old they are and how great they look on DVD!!!! Take care and hope to blog soon!

Thought this was funny:

Friday, September 24, 2004

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off....

Sorry about no updates lately, man work has been killing me! I have a wedding rehearsal Friday evening, the wedding service and sermon on Saturday evening, and the Sermon on Sunday morning. So needless to say I have been busy. For a while there I had a funeral in the mix, but Namiqa came through and will do the funeral. I love funerals, but not when the work stacks up this much.

Well, I had a great day today (got lots of work done and well on my way to finishing the sermons! We had to buy a new trash can for our kitchen, because 2 mornings ago we found a horrible site on the foot of our bed..... Basically tiffany cooked a turkey roast (it was actually good!!!1 Way to go girl!) and the turkey was wrapped in twine to allow for the cooking to be more even. Well of course after you cook it you cut it off and throw it away. Well some time while Tiffany and I were not looking our sweet Halo (the dog) had got it and ate the entire bunch of twine!!!!! We woke up the next morning with the entire bunch of twine vomited up on the foot of our bed!!! It scared me enough to go buy a trash can that he could not get into! Well I wanted to get this one, but we chose this one, because of the price difference, heh. I thank God each day for Tiffany's gift of helping me with our spending, heh. She just rocks!!!

(OK I just read the reviews of the trash can we bought on the Target website, and wow not good, none of them!!1 Oh man, I guess we will try it for a few weeks and see how goes it, oh man I hate that, heh) (Maybe the one I like should be considered, heh but then again we don't have that money, heh oh well back to the drawing board to save our dogs life by buying a new trash can, heh)

Well, yall have a great day.

Jay Update:

Jay is bored! Beyond any belief because this week he has to just sit there all week long until they can do the Stem Cell Transplant next week. So I guess as always KUTP!!! Love yall take care and good night or morning or afternoon or evening (depending on when you read this)

(p.s. any one seen the Starwars DVDs yet? Mine is being shipped via the mail and should get it soon!!!) Oh I got some of these bad boys today too! I can't wait to use them!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Hello Moto.....

Sorry, maybe I have been watching too much tv, heh.

BTW, where did the term "hello" come from? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say "heaveno". I mean come on, why tell people when first seeing them something dealing with hell, when we could say "heaveno". I prefer that focus than "hell". I mean it even goes really well with "good bye". It just makes sense. Oh well.

OK Fish trip with my Father-In-Law Eddie:

Well, it was awesome being out in the lower part of CO fishing! I was walking in the Conejos River with my breathable waders on, casting my hand made fly on the top of the river and watching it lazily float down the river waiting for the exhilaration of a fish flying out of the water to try to eat my fly and then setting the hook, reeling it in, and pulling the net off my back to scoop the fish into it, and then returning it to the river.

Well, that did not happen the first 2 days I was with Eddie and his friends. The "catching the fish" part did not happen very well. I thin I caught three fish the whole 2 days I was with them, and then they went to another river to go fish that was further north, and I decided I would go fish my favorite spot on the river that I could never talk them into going to, and Saturday morning I got my limit (4 fish in CO) in 15 min. and then proceeded to catch and release 11 fish over the next hour, heh. Man it was good fishing, heh but I guess I was bad luck to Eddie, because they went to another river without me on Saturday and Sunday and they caught over 40 fish in two days, heh. I was so looking forward to rub it in to them, but oh well it was still lots of fun, and the beauty of all the mountains and river, and fish is just amazing! A great time, but I must admit.....I REALLY missed Tiffany, heh. Life is good and I am home now, heh.

Well, I saw two movies a while back and then saw another one Saturday and I thought I would give you my reviews....

First up:

The Whole Ten Yards

Tiffany and I saw this one on Pay Per View @ the house, and we really liked the first one because there was lots of good slapstick humor, and considering the big names on this movie(Bruce Wills, Matthew Perry), we were both disappointed. The plot was confusing enough for Tiffany, but lame for me, ha ha ha ha. I give this one a 4 out of 10. Watching it only if you have to make the parents happy of the girl/boy that your dating.

Vanity Fair

Oug!!! I am starting to wonder about Tiffany's choices in movies. As you can guess this is another one, heh. Well, I have never read the book, so I am judging the movie only, but lets just say the only good thing about this movie in the tingling feeling you get when your butt wakes up from sleep while walking out of the theater. This movie is filled with lots of plot that makes you so mad at the lead character that you could hit her.....over and over and over! It could have been a typical sweet and funny comedy (the usual chick flick of now-a-days that I can swallow every now and then because it has enough humor to keep me in my seat (and be with my wife...the real only reason I even go to these movies, heh...don't worry she pays me back with my movies too, heh) But the humor was lacking more than what I wanted/needed and it became not as light as I wanted it to be. Well, if you love the book and I sure you will not be suprised about this and will probably still hate the movie because it was not as good as the book, but enough rambling.... 3 out of 10.

Sky Capitan and the World of Tomorrow

Ok this one I thought was going to be a weird War of the Worlds remake, but I was suprisingly interested in the plot and liked the past/future theme and it even had some Biblical tie-ins!!! woohoo! oh ya! Well, the lady was annoying in this movie (at least in my eyes)but the movie was good, and I of course loved the special effects that they made look like older films. and I really loved the throw backs to the movies of old and how they paid homage to them all. Lots of really cool tie-ins that I am sure I could not see them all, but there were lots of little touches in the movie that I loved too. Like one statue of one man holding up another man with his brain in his friends brain in his hand offering it to something/one above them. IT was a cool touch and gave you good insight into the fun the director and the staff of the film had.....with the plot twists and the fact that it had Biblical tie-ins, and lots of cool special effects I give it 7.5 out of 10. Go see it if you like anything Sci-Fi.

Well, I am off to a meeting in Albq. love yall!

Jay Update:

Well the PET scan came back negative!!!!! Another good showing that he is cancer free right now. So this week he is just hanging out in his house and then he prepares for the Stem Cell Transplant next week.

Not sure about the number of posts this week, because I have Wednesday night stuff @ church, and wedding Friday and Saturday (actually wedding is Saturday, heh) and I am preaching this Sunday. So , yall have a great week!

Oh yeah I just did my first Baptism by my self today @ the home of a homebound older lady, and it was more beautiful than any mountains or fish, heh. Thank you God! God bless yall, and if you can take some time to remember your baptism, good bye and remember heaveno!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

not much to say...

Well, I am beyond tired, because last night I did not sleep well,....any time there is a dog needing to go out, heartburn, and coughing then your night tends to not be very great, plus it does not help to have a huge long day either. but I guess it is all good now.

My TV is returned, but it is still not totally fixed (up to MY standards so I will call the warranty people soon and tell them I want it fixed or I want a new TV...

BTW: my standards includes the fact that there are two lines of resolution (and on an HDTV that is small) that are too light compared to the rest of the lines on it) picky to some, but I can see them and I bought it so I think it should be fixed...or given a new one, heh.

Well, I hope yall are doing well. Jay had a little bit of a fever yesterday but I hope he got it under control. The Dr.s said that it was not anything to worry about so that is good.

Well the only things any of you might care about are these two articles I found.

Sony bought out MGM.

Xbox2 might be backward compatible.

Other than that I am going to bed, yall take care and God bless you all!

Oh yeah, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to go fly fishing with my father-in-law so no updates from Thursday through Sunday. Sorry for those of you who check this every day...(all one of me, heh)

Also, if anyone has any tickets to go see the Oprah show and need someone to go with you then please consider me. I guess even I could see past the fact that she is the anti-Christ for one show...and just see what I might get, heh (just kidding all you Oprah fans, and just kidding for all your weird "everyone/thing is the anti-Christ" people, heh.

I have figured it out though.....why Oprah is giving all this stuff away and why this year she is doing so much.....The Jane show just came out and Oprah wants to run it into the ground. I mean, come one maybe you would do this on your 20th year, but your 19th? Nope, she is just declaring war and I am not sure if the Jane show can deal with the heat, heh. ( I really don't care, but I still would not mind going with you if you have an extra, heh) God bless yall!

Monday, September 13, 2004

When we did a wedding in KY a while back...

I was doing Cory and Amanda's wedding in Wilmore (my first one and it was in Estes Chapel!!! very cool indeed), and I stayed with the Arnold's. While Tiffany and I were there we got to be entertained by Jeremy and the rest of our old youth group showing us lots of stinking funny videos. I thought I would share a few with you just in case you might have missed them.

The first one is the SWK (Star Wars Kid) This is a 15 year old boy a few years back that was filming around and just having fun with a golf ball retriever and a video camera. He was acting like he was fighting somebody and it was just a plain video of him doing some very bad fighting moves with his staff. While, embarrassing indeed, his friends found the tape of him doing this very horrible acting job of fighting no one in front of a camera. They proceeded to put it on the internet and within a few days the following videos were made. This is undeniably funny, and honestly I feel bad for this kid, because I am sure his friends put the video on the internet to make fun of him, but in reality the people that played around with the video makes him look very good! But it is still VERY funny!

(I apologize in advance for the ads that are attached to the video and website. I looked all over the place to find a video and site that did not have any ads, but all the rest of them were even worse, so just ignore the banner ad at the top and enjoy the humor and amazing skill this boy has, heh)

The Star Wars Kid Video website (Just click on the 14 videos link at the top nav bar and you can see all the videos, heh)

Also, while I was there they showed me lots of funny clips from Triumph, the Insult Dog that is found often on the Connan O'Brien Show on Late night NBC TV,but I am choosing to not show these due to their "nature", but the star wars one was very funny. I will not put the link here, but you can google Triumph vs Star Wars Geeks. I don't take too much offense at this, but in all reality I am a Star Wars Geek, so please watch it at your own expense, it can be offensive and anyone under the age of 13 should get their parents permission heh. (if you don't have a parent around then let me do the parenting for you, "I don't think you should watch this unless your 13 years old. It has some language in it that is inapropiate for your ears even though you have been hearing them since 3rd grade from your friends that don't have good parents. I don't care you can't watch the Insulting Dog called Triumph, he is horrible and only funny if you are over 13." (remember this was shown on TV, but in late night TV, so I would guess if you let your kids watch PG-13 movies then this is fine, if not then you are been warned.) (There are no cuss words that I can remember, just themes that should be viewed by parents first)

(Ok there you go the parental warning has been issued. and it went on and on and on...can you tell that I am a little worried about putting it on here? Well, heck if I offend people then I offend people I guess I will just be me with no if ands butts about it, heh. Thanks for not taking me so seriously...I really appreciate it!)

The other video I wanted you all to see if you are video game geeks (like me as well) is this guy who finished Super Mario Brothers 3 in 11 min. and just a few seconds. For any of you old school games you will be amazed at this performance...and thank God for having a life....At least a little bit more of a life than what it would take to be able to do this, heh.

SMB 3 video

Sadness is all over the place, but I have to share this quote from THOR about the SMB3 video:

Sorry Deeg, the Super Mario 3 video was de-bunked a year ago or so. The guy was playing on an emulator and had reduced the game speed to like 1/20th speed.


Well, yall have a wonderful day and I hope that I have helped your break from reality just a little bit, heh Yall take care and God bless you all!

Oh I went to saw two movies over the week end and I will try to let you know what I thought about them all later on.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Xbox 2?

For those gamers out there this is a possible Xbox 2 design art, that "might" have been leaked. You can decide for yourselves.


the article is here.

Have a great night! Take care and God bless yall!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Star Wars IV, V, and VI DVD review....

Morning yall! Well, I have not posted this as much lately, but I have to keep all my Star Wars and Lord of The Rings fans out there happy. Oh and I have a little Halo2 stuff too...if you care, heh.


First up Star Wars. What I would like to share with you this morning is the Star Wars DVD set review on The Digital Bits.

(BTW: for those of you non-SW fans the movies IV, V, & VI are the first three movies and A New Hope,Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.)

These DVDs have been screamed for even since the technology of DVD and now George Lucas has finally gotten around to actually getting them done!!! Woo hoo! And once again he has added even more specially effects to the original films and has even made some character changes to make sure these movies fit and look just like the prequels that they are finishing up right now. A few of the changes are they made the Emperor the same actor as the same actor that played him in the new movies

Old screen from original movie:

New Screen on the new DVD:

instead of an old woman with a man's voice.

another big change is Anakin's Force ghost is now played by Hayden Christensen instead of Sebastian Shaw.

Original movie:

New DVDs:

Well with no further Ado here is the link to the Star Wars DVD review:

The Star Wars Trilogy (the second one, heh)

and here is a page with several shots of the added special effects.


Ok now about the Lord of The Rings: Return of the King Special Extended Editiona Collectors Gift Set:

There was an advertisement in Video Store that stated the release Date was going to be 12/14/04.

So that is what The Digital Bits reported, but now the ad has been retracted and the release date is back in limbo. But just in case you care if is the edition that I want with the collectors gift in it:

(sorry if that picture is too big. Every now and then the pictures force the content on the right side of my blog to be pushed down. I wish it would just cover them up or something like that, but oh well. I guess I just need to get better with my HTML and start changing the blog HTML to allow it, heh. (it is probably a frame problem, but not sure)


Ok now Halo2 info:

Here is a review on that has a in-depth review of the Halo2 Beta version. It has lots of info and even some screen shots I have never seen before and that is saying something, heh

Halo2 Beta Review

Also here is a great new screen shot:

There are more than are not Zanzibar, but this one looks really cool! Now that is the way to play capture the flag.


Ok well, there you go a massive Update on the three things I am most looking forward to when it comes to DVDs and games that will be out soon, heh.

Well God bless you all and take care see yall probably on Monday! Take care!!!!

fun estimation quiz

Here is a fun estimation quiz. I only got 14% correct so I am interested in what you smart people out there think you can do. Please leave a comment on what your score was.

Estimation Quiz

Going to bed now, good night!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well, still overwhelmed.....

Heh! Man, I am still so amazed with God each day. He just flat out rocks! Even with the few people in the church that I serve can tend to get you down with saying things like, (in regard to me visiting everyone "they" want me to visit everyday) "That is what we pay you for" or "I didn't know about last night's dinner and classes and I am blaming you", heh I am so thankful for all those years in midschool (4-6th grades) that I was picked on and then fish and soph years that I was joked about unceasingly, because now God has given me a back that insults and complaints just roll right off of, heh.

Who would have ever thought that god was teaching me how to deal and love people even in the early years WWWWAAAYYYYY before I ever thought I was called into the ministry! Well life is still chugging along and today was no different. I spent the entire day (like I do most Thursdays) visiting people. Mostly home bound and any in the hospital, and after spending sometime 2 hours in each home, I am always so blessed, and always reminded that I can not get them all visited each week. (If the church would just take responsibility for who God is calling them to be (yes, that means you if you are a member of St. John's and reading this, heh) then there would be several people in a group of members that would help make visits to all the people that I visit....homebound, nursing homes, hospital visits, and new visitor visits. There is lots going on in the hearts of the people of this church and it is slowly changing to the direction God is leading the church, but it is going to still take a wake up call

Ok Tiffany just IMed me to go to bed, I will go to bed now, heh! Love yall and will talk more later, heh!

Well, I am going to go to bed WITH MY WIFE!!!!!!!woohoo thank you again God!

WARNING---->this is either a sad example of never cleaning a keyboard, or a chia pet experiment gone very wrong...either way, if this ever happens to you, just make sure your rabbit is in it's might reboot your system with the little big back footed friend's help. (yes, this is way of subject and the comment is stupid, but I just wanted to show the picture and have it up for you to see, heh. Have a great week end yall! KUTP!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

JAY IS CANCER Remissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge Jay Update!!!!

The official letter from Sheila:


GREAT NEWS!!!!!! The bone marrow biopsy shows no sign of cancer. He is officially in remission.

Unfortunately, we're not done though. We went to his Stem Cell Transplant consultation today and he still has a while to go.

This week coming up he will need to have a PET Scan (this is scheduled for Wed.), mugascan (sp), respiratory test, additional blood work, and bone marrow typing (more blood work). They will also send a test to Jay's brother to see if he is a compatible donor in the rare event the autologous stem cell transplant doesn't work.

Then in the next two weeks they will try to start the mobilization chemo which consists of Etoposide and Cytoxan. He will be hospitalized for a day in which they will remove his PICC line and put in another central line. They will also take precautions to make sure that he does not get hemorrhagic cystitis of the bladder.

He will have to take neupogen injections twice a day for 5 - 9 days after, to help build his cells back up. After that he will go to out patient for 1-3 days in order for them to harvest the stem cells by leukapheresis. The stem cells will then be cryopreserved and saved for the transplantation.

Approximately, 4 weeks after the mobilization chemo they will be ready to do the transplant. He will receive another round of chemo. This is the chemo given to kill off all of the bone marrow. The drugs used are BEAM (BCNU, VP-16, ARA-C, and Melphalan). They will be given over 4 -5 days. He will also get an initial spinal tap.

The stem cells will be injected back into him 24 hours after the final dose of chemo on the 5th day. He will then need to be monitored every day for the 1st 5 days after transplant.

The Doctor hasn't decided if he will continue Jay on monthly spinal injections of chemo just to make sure the cancer is not hiding out in his brain somewhere. This will be decided after the transplant since several of the chemo drugs being used for the transplant will penetrate the blood brain barrier.

He is at high risk for infection during this procedure and will have his blood monitored carefully for months afterwards and will need to be on anti-virals for a year. At the 6 month mark, they may revaccinate him for all of his childhood illnesses.

The bone marrow biopsy was great news and he finally has a light at the end of the tunnel.

Feel free to give him a call if you want to talk 724-853-0204.

So, you can see that he still has a ways to go, and it is still very important to KUTP, bbbbuuuutttttttt you can also add a "Thank you" and a "Your freaking awesome" to those prayers while your at it!

Love yall!!! Love you Jay!!!! Love you Sheila, Love you Tiffany, Love you Momma and Daddy, Nanaw, Aunt Harryette, Tom, Halo, Sushi, Computer, Prince of Egypt, Love you......World!!!! (p.s. as always and everywhere..... I love you LORD!)

We are back...

from the Retreat and it went really great. I only wish I would have remembered to take my fishing equipment...oh man the Rio looked really good, but oh well, I guess that is what I get for not remembering my fishing equipment...

Well, needless to say I am very tired and even though I was back and went to work all day today...I am still not caught up with my rest, so I apologies for not blog'n immediately after I got back.

Jay Update:

None to be said yet. We are still waiting fro the Dr.'s to get back to him with the results of the test, so please KUTP.

Well for those geeks and computer playas out there I found a website for you called: Just check it out when you want to.

Friday, September 03, 2004

the name's pictures....overdue pictures

Here are the pictures I have been wanting to show yall...shaken and not stirred.

Before the pictures..........

Jay Update:

Jay told me that he is getting all the tests on Friday (today) @ 7:00 am (Eastern time) 8:00 am (Central Time) and 9:00 am (mountain time). Please pray for him and all the Dr.'s. We pray that the results will be found out soon and the results are good news. Love you Jay...praying for you!!!!

Here are the pictures:

This first one is a cartoon, that is too big to put here so I will just put a link to it here:

The funny Blog cartoon.

The next one is another cartoon that a church member sent me that I thought was very funny!

Yeah, I thought this was very funny too. (at least brings a small smile to your face)

Here is a picture finale with Tiffany in it, hew. Yeah I am sure she is sooo thankful I put this one up, but it does show how cute Halo is, but also how spoiled Halo is too, heh!

Here is a picture of my Dad and Mom. Man, I just could not resist my Daddy's smile not being up on the blog, so I guess it is family night on the Hollums blog today, heh.

And lastly here is a picture of Jay in his uber cool doo rag, heh man this one is funny, and I thought worthy of a new picture of him. You can see that his face stuff is much much better now, so I hope this give all of you a wonderful picture of how God heals and how effective your prayers are! Thank you all again for your prayers and please keep them up! Love yall and have a wonderful weekend and Labor Day on Monday. The next blog might occur on Tuesday because Tiffany and I will be gone at a retreat for WhiteRock UMC! pray for us too, and thank you!!! love yall take care and God bless yall!!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I have a new....

Monitor! But, I have been able to plug in my new flat panel ViewSonic Monitor because my HDTV is in the shop, so I am using my new Monitor as my TV because it can produce 720P (HDTV) pictures. Oh yeah, it is a lot smaller than my normal TV (33 inches smaller to be exact heh heh), but we can get by.


Several people are asking my what is wrong with my TV and the truth is...well....there are really two reasons (one more than the other one)

1. I am a Home Theater freak and I even calibrate my TV every 2-3 months to make sure the picture is the best that is can be with a specifically designed DVD that helps me calibrate it (DVD Video Essentials) (great DVD for those of you who want the best picture out of your TV that you can possibly get with out opening it up and messing with the cannons etc...) Any way when I calibrate my TV I am seeing some horizontal lines of resolution in the picture when there is a very bright white light on screen. It was not like this when I bought the TV, so I want it fixed, because it is buggin me.

2. With the extended warranty that I purchased they will replace the TV if it costs more to fix it than to repair it, and the new TVs made from Toshiba (my TV now is a Toshiba) actually have a DVI with HDCP as an input in the back. (Now I know I will go much deeper here than any of you care about, but guess what I am me and I will explain it for you so you will be able to know what to buy in the future if you are planning on buying a TV in the future or even today.)

Ok, here is the deal... You need to go High Definition (HDTV) with the next TV you buy, because it will be main stream with in the next 5-7 years and you need to have a TV that you can use during those times.

Now right now there are three inputs on the back of TVs that will allow you to see a HDTV picture, and they are:

1. Component Inputs
2. DVI
2.1. DVI with HDCP

Now, Component Inputs look just like the ones you are used to (RCA Composite cables) you know the ones that are colored yellow (the video signal) red and white (stereo with both audio signals) EXCEPT component are only video and they are colored green, blue, and red. This splits out the various colors in each cable and allows for more information to be transferred (i.e. HDTV)

The difference between component cables and DVI is that a DVI cable keeps all the information in the digital form so the image will be a little clearer because it is not having to be transferred from digital to analog like it does for component cables.

The less times any signal has to be messed with it is better.

Now DVI (Digital Video Interface)with HDCP other is not a change in the cable, but HDCP means, "High Definition Copy Protection" This is a copy protection scheme that will not allow people to record anything in High Definition if the producers of movies don't want them to, for example, Hollywood is scared that people will be able to make perfect copies of their movies because a movie in HD is an almost perfect replica of a movie (it is a perfect copy of those movies that are shot entirely in HD, i.e. Star Wars)
So if your buying a TV or projector that is HD-Ready or true HD make sure you get one with DVI-HDCP. This will be a large step in allowing your TV to last longer into the future. You might not see very many DVD players or HD receivers right now that require DVI-HDCP, but with in the next 2-3 years they will be bringing out HD DVD movies/players that will require HDCP in the DVI input, or you will not see any movie when you try to watch it because the movie people will not allow for it to be viewed unless you have the HDCP on the DVI.

The last option is something new (that I saw on the latest HDTV in Walmart just yesterday, so it is becoming bigger and bigger at a fast rate called HDMI. This stands for High Definition multimedia Interface. This one just like DVI is all digital so you will get an amazing picture and will even allow for 1080P picture resolution (i.e better than 1080i the best out there right now to consumers) But HDMI takes it all up a notch, because this one cable allows for HD signals AND surround sound!!! All in one cable! This is amazing the amount of data that can be transferred through this cable, but I have questions about how to get the sound through my receiver and then how to get the video through my TV when they are all in the same cable, so I guess I just need to do more research.

=============================== I know most of you will skip to this part because I just spoke over most of your heads, but if your looking into a new TV and go to Best Buy with this knowledge they will not only be impressed, but might actually not mess you over when you are buying....but I must tell you all....PLEASE do not buy anything dealing with Home Theater (TV's, DVD players, receivers, speakers, etc.... without talking to me!!! Please I love this stuff and I do not work on commission, please see me....OH and if you want to buy a computer?... do what I do and call my brother Jay, heh, or Thor, or Chris, or etc..... I can give you their numbers if you are serious about it all)


Jay Update:

Well I did not talk to Jay today, but I did talk to my parents and they said he is doing good, but gets tired some days and others he is fine, so today he got a little tired so my parents went back to the motor home early and my Mother got to do some swimming. Jay seems to be doing good, and did not complain about his legs hurting as much today, so hat is good news, but please KUTP because he is going in for the test to see if he still has cancer on Friday. (they will not get the results until a few days after that, so I will let you know as soon as I know)


I will be leaving this Friday and gone through Tuesday, because I have been asked to lead the White Rock UMC (Tiffany's Church) in a church wide retreat, so please pray for me as well as Tiffany and I teach the church members on how to realistically share the love of Christ by developing relationships with people in there everyday lives and change the way they live theory everyday lives for Christ. It will be cool, and if they accept the cool way of sharing the good news, then White Rock and Los Alamos better be prepared for God to do great things in their community, because people's lives will be changed!

Ok, going to bed now, and love you all take care and God bless! (note to self: get all the pictures you want to get up on the bloc up so others can see them...Lots of good stuff, If I can just think of it.) God bless yah!