Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well, still overwhelmed.....

Heh! Man, I am still so amazed with God each day. He just flat out rocks! Even with the few people in the church that I serve can tend to get you down with saying things like, (in regard to me visiting everyone "they" want me to visit everyday) "That is what we pay you for" or "I didn't know about last night's dinner and classes and I am blaming you", heh I am so thankful for all those years in midschool (4-6th grades) that I was picked on and then fish and soph years that I was joked about unceasingly, because now God has given me a back that insults and complaints just roll right off of, heh.

Who would have ever thought that god was teaching me how to deal and love people even in the early years WWWWAAAYYYYY before I ever thought I was called into the ministry! Well life is still chugging along and today was no different. I spent the entire day (like I do most Thursdays) visiting people. Mostly home bound and any in the hospital, and after spending sometime 2 hours in each home, I am always so blessed, and always reminded that I can not get them all visited each week. (If the church would just take responsibility for who God is calling them to be (yes, that means you if you are a member of St. John's and reading this, heh) then there would be several people in a group of members that would help make visits to all the people that I visit....homebound, nursing homes, hospital visits, and new visitor visits. There is lots going on in the hearts of the people of this church and it is slowly changing to the direction God is leading the church, but it is going to still take a wake up call

Ok Tiffany just IMed me to go to bed, I will go to bed now, heh! Love yall and will talk more later, heh!

Well, I am going to go to bed WITH MY WIFE!!!!!!!woohoo thank you again God!

WARNING---->this is either a sad example of never cleaning a keyboard, or a chia pet experiment gone very wrong...either way, if this ever happens to you, just make sure your rabbit is in it's might reboot your system with the little big back footed friend's help. (yes, this is way of subject and the comment is stupid, but I just wanted to show the picture and have it up for you to see, heh. Have a great week end yall! KUTP!

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