Wednesday, September 15, 2004

not much to say...

Well, I am beyond tired, because last night I did not sleep well,....any time there is a dog needing to go out, heartburn, and coughing then your night tends to not be very great, plus it does not help to have a huge long day either. but I guess it is all good now.

My TV is returned, but it is still not totally fixed (up to MY standards so I will call the warranty people soon and tell them I want it fixed or I want a new TV...

BTW: my standards includes the fact that there are two lines of resolution (and on an HDTV that is small) that are too light compared to the rest of the lines on it) picky to some, but I can see them and I bought it so I think it should be fixed...or given a new one, heh.

Well, I hope yall are doing well. Jay had a little bit of a fever yesterday but I hope he got it under control. The Dr.s said that it was not anything to worry about so that is good.

Well the only things any of you might care about are these two articles I found.

Sony bought out MGM.

Xbox2 might be backward compatible.

Other than that I am going to bed, yall take care and God bless you all!

Oh yeah, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to go fly fishing with my father-in-law so no updates from Thursday through Sunday. Sorry for those of you who check this every day...(all one of me, heh)

Also, if anyone has any tickets to go see the Oprah show and need someone to go with you then please consider me. I guess even I could see past the fact that she is the anti-Christ for one show...and just see what I might get, heh (just kidding all you Oprah fans, and just kidding for all your weird "everyone/thing is the anti-Christ" people, heh.

I have figured it out though.....why Oprah is giving all this stuff away and why this year she is doing so much.....The Jane show just came out and Oprah wants to run it into the ground. I mean, come one maybe you would do this on your 20th year, but your 19th? Nope, she is just declaring war and I am not sure if the Jane show can deal with the heat, heh. ( I really don't care, but I still would not mind going with you if you have an extra, heh) God bless yall!


Anonymous said...



DGH said...

Oh yeah fishing!!1 It was lots of fun, but the fun really began the last morning I was there. I will tell you all about it tonight or tomorrrow. Take care love ya man, ITMMHCWP!

(In The Most Manly Hetrosexual Christian Way Possible!)