Thursday, August 23, 2007

Don't mess with Texas!!!!

In the last game the picture (12 years old) threw a 100 mile an hour pitch!


steve-o said...

Actually, he didn't. That was just that lame ESPN thing to say that it would be as hard as a 100mph pitch if he was a major leaguer.

I really think there's some suspect math in coming up with that stat.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of how hard the kid may throw, GO LUBBOCK!!!

In the words of the great Mac Davis, "I thought happiness was Lubbock Texas in my rearview mirror, but happiness is Lubbock Texas coming nearer and nearer."

DGH said...

thanks Steve, sorry for the confussion, I watched the video highlights with no sound and while I was talking on the phone. Thanks for the clear-up.