Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy birthday Gary!!!

Well the staff took Gary (the Sr. Pastor @ Florence UMC) out to eat for his birthday. He wanted to go to the place where they cook it all right in front of you and flip their knives around and was lots of fun and I just had to pull out the new cam and take a picture...anyway...Happy Birthday Gary and God bless you!


Well, it is way too late for me to be writing this post...but I am doing it anyway...I am very excited because tomorrow we (Markus and myself) leave to go to Seattle. A place he has never been and I have only been a long time ago and remember very little! We hope to visit the 1st Starbucks (ever) and maybe get a bite to eat...anyway...yall have a great weekend. and I hope to get yall updates from the conference while I am there! Thank you so much for your prayers..for our travel, for Tiffany being a little sick, and most importantly for my Nanaw.....she is leaving the hospital tomorrow and being placed into the Floydada (my home town) nursing home until she gets a little better and then if she does well, they might let her go home!!! It is just amazing. I told my mom today, if there was anyone that deserved to get to go be with Jesus it would be Nanaw...but for some reason she just keeps on!!! OK I am going to bed...thanks to my wife pacing my bags and loving on me to go to bed...cyall and God bless you!!! KUTPs!!! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roll your own, DG.