Woo hoo! It is almost time to start seeing hummingbirds!

Here is a picture of my good friend Bryan and his boy Isaiah! Tiffany and I visited them and their wife/mom the other week! We had a lot of fun, and Bryan is also the guy who is the "coach" for me and Th3 Waters! He is a dear friend, colleague, and brother! (and the rest of his family is even better! heh)........

Also a few weeks ago we had Hannah over to stay with us and we helped her shop for a graduation dress and shoes...and create her grad. announcements! We had a blast and it is crazy to see how much she has grown up! I guess when you are a youth minister's husband..you get to know several kids as your own and you really do get to see them grow up right before your eyes. Hannah you look beautiful and it was such an honor to have you stay with us for a few days!.....

Sometimes I am blown away by the marketing of certain places...and the marketing for the Movie Akeelah and the Bee is one of those @ Starbucks. Now I happen to walk into Starbucks very often...(most of the time following Tiffany into one) and right now they have tons of coasters that have big words on them with the definition and pronunciation of the words...and then I saw this chair cover..... Now you and I both know that this chair would never be for me (I will never win ANY awards at speeling wourds heh heh) but I thought it was unusually genius to encourage your customers to practice their spelling and knowledge while they drink their coffee. It fits the Starbucks model of this place is for sophisticated people that are intelligent. (Insert a little snooty attitude there, heh heh). I know when I drink the coffee it makes me feel smarter...no wait it is not smarter that I feel just more hyper and I assume that if my mind is stimulated to work at faster speeds then I am smarter..But in all truthfulness It just allows me to misspell several more words than what I could have without the espresso! Thanks Starbucks for the false sense of intelligence...and the excitement of rapid eye movement while I am still awake! woo hoo... (now if I can just get Tiffany into a facility to help her get off of the stuff, heh heh)......

and lastly of the non-moving pictures here is a picture that Sylvia took for me..... There is an amazing restaurant in Cinci called Andy's Mediterranean Grille. And I have had some really good Mediterranean food...(especially @ Jay and Sheila's) and this place is second on my list...but here is a picture of the women's bathroom...whoa!!!! What the? This gives new meaning to "female support". I know that female friendship is different than men's, but come on is this going a little too far. Let's hold hands, heh...it reminds me of an old Saturday night live Ad "The Love Toilet" for newly weds the tag line was, "Because when you're in love, even five minutes apart can seem like an eternity.", heh.... Anyway... I thought it funny enough to post...so yall enjoy!
Ok, now here is a movie of Halo and Sushi playing around...this is end of a great "play time" I wish I would have got some better footage...but I bet that I will be able to get more now that I know how to use You Tube to host my videos....anyway...here they go...lets get ready to ruuummmmbbbllleeeee:
Halo and Sushi's "play time"
Halo and Sushi's "play time"
Want to see some amazing all computer generated pictures?
here you go
Well, as most of you know, Tiffany and I will be ordained in "Full connection" this summer and when that happens we will be able to wear stoles... (some churches and pastor go ahead and wear them before the "full connection" ordination...but I am more of an old school kind of guy and I wanted to wait to be able to do that...so anyway I went looking for stoles that I liked and I found this place: In Stitches. Here are some of the stoles that just blew me away when I saw what this place makes:

And check out the story stoles here.
Now granted they are all very expensive (at least in my eyes they are, heh) It is amazing what some people can do with their hands and minds.
But before all of you run out and go try to buy me one (yeah right, ha ha ha) I told Tiffany that I do not think that I really would like to wear these kinds of stoles unless for weddings, funerals, etc... I think what I would prefer (whenever I wear my robe) is to wear a towel. Yeah I know that sounds silly, but that is where the history of the stole came from (at least from what I have heard) that the stole is to represent a towel to remind the pastor and the congregation that they are servants to God and others! It was used to dry the feet of those whom the pastor was washing! So why not just have a towel over my shoulder to bring the meaning home?! So...What I would relay like is to get a towel of each color of the liturgical year...and then get someone to cut them down a little bit (after all it represents drying people's feet not their entire body, heh) and then just wear it around the back of my neck just like the typical stoles of today (see pictures above). So if any of you know how to sew towels then please let my wife know (ha ha ha...because I am not proficient with the sewing machine) Cool idea huh? Sure most of you would l look at me and wonder, "what the?" but come on the whole world does it anyway...so why not? heh...OK well maybe I have made up for the long tie between posts and I hope that all of you are blessed and know that I pray for everyone who reads this blog...and I know that most websites you go to do give you that blessing just for reading them! KUTPs!!!!
Until next time....watch the new Superman Returns movie trailers! This movie looks to be VERY good...and while youÂ’re at it go check out Nacho Libre's movie site as well and get that trailer into your mind too! Man this is going to be a good summer for movies!
And of course for you tech heads out there don't forget to be watching the news for any cool E3 announcements....Halo 3, PlayStation 3, and tons and tons of tech! woo hoo!
Oh and I will be helping teach an intro to Revelation for Aaron's class this Monday so they will need lots of prayer, ha ha ha...Ok good night!
I loved the post--especially the part about the spelling stuff. Even the dog and cat chasing each other reminded me of extremely cute pets. Both are sure pretty. Thanks for very good blog.
one day, when you are a man, you will wear stretchy pants.
it's for fun.
Dig the idea about the towels. Not that I know how to sew on them, I just think it's a cool idea.
As far as the toilets, I'm reminded of something Billy Crystal once said, "Sometimes you see something so bizarre and funny and crude that so many jokes pop in your head, it's like a roulette wheel. Finally, when the wheel stops you realize that the best thing is to say nothing and save yourself the potential embarrassment."
You may have seen this already, but this is one of the greatest movie trailers I have EVER seen!
john....LOVE IT!!! I ca't wait for that movie!
Cody....now that is funny!
Keith.... wow...that is a little cheezy for my tastes...but I would go watch it with you...if you paid me a little of moeny first, heh. Thanks for visiting!
Love your blogging. No, the two toilets are not my idea of having a close relationship with either DH or a girlfriend.
Will visit again....
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