Good weekend everyone! Sorry I have been so bad about blogging...I have been very busy...but very effective...so I guess it all equals out in the end...but anyway...here is a picture of my good friend Marks with Tiffany in the reflection of the Cinci skyline in the window of Barnes and Noble on the Levee......I thought it was cool that they were looking into the window when I took the shot....anyway....

here is the real view of the skyline from the outdoor terrace from Barnes and Noble...just wanted to show you what the none reflection looks like.....

And this is the view to the right off the Terrace...man it is so cool living so close to such a big city...who would have ever thunk it that a West Texas guy like me would end up in a big slick city place like this...I still can't believe it when I cross the river to go into Cinci...Unbelievable!.....

Here is Halo chewing my bottle of citrus iced tea...and Tiffany is having to put up with it, heh... it was o funny and I wish I had a video recorder for it! heh...

Here are two reason why people should never cut the grass of their front yard!!! Yep, as we head into Spring and the flowers start to bloom, I never would have guessed it...but these flowers are in the middle of our front yard...Surrounded by grass! ha ha ha....Oh well, they were great while they lasted and I just knew that the guy who moves the yard would drive right over them...and then I came home the other day to see the next picture.....

yep he cut our grass alright...but he left a little circle of over grown grass so that he would not mow down the flowers! They are both dead now..but it sure was cool while it lasted!.....

well, last Thursday night we invited the Organic Gathering over to my house to eat a almost real Seder supper...(yes yes I know we are a week early...but it was cool to have our resident Jewish expert John Choi as leading us through the meanings of a few of the Seder food stuff, and then we go to pig out...John came a little early to help cook, and he cold not resist trying on Tiffany's coat...man this picture looks like I touched it up to make john's body small and his head big...but that is just how small Tiffany's coat really is......and how big John's....uh I mean yeah look how small Tiffany's coat is, heh heh.... j/k John......

Lastly was the great meal that we all shared together! We had a great time and even though we were missing three people we still had a great time....I even went to Jungle Jim's and bought an entire leg of lamb...and cut it up into steaks and grilled it up! Man it was VERY good...and John is @ the end of the table chewing down on the lamb shank bone, heh.... It was just a blast had by all and very interesting to hear all the purposes of the foods for remembrance!
I have also added my gamer tag (it is a card that shows all of my Xbox live gamer stats on games I have played and a few other things...I just thought I would put it up there on the right side in case a few of my Xbox live friends find my little place on the web!....
and I also added a Google search to the blog....now if you remember a blog post that you want to remember and try to show other people then you can use the Google search and find the page your looking for!! woohoo.... so go do some digging and post on here if you have any favorites...so others can share your favorite blog post I have done from years past! (go ahead and leave a comment for your favorite ones....)heh....
Well, yall have a great night/week and God bless yall! KUTPs!
I don't know how I feel about John in that coat. Sorry we missed the sader. Next year Jerusalem (without the coat please)! Peace to all!
The Sader meal looked really cool. I wish I could have had some of the grilled lamb. thanks for the post.
missed ya Scott!, and yeah the Seder was great! no problem for the post.....I can't believe that no one has any favorite posts now that they can use Goggle to find them...oh well, heh.... maybe my readership got lost in my lack of posting on a regular basis? hmmm, heh....
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