....but here is a big and good one....Well this is the day after our 3-4 inch snow that we had the first day of Spring! It was wonderful and we even took advantage of it to get our last snow ice cream out of it for this winter! I can't wait until the next snow! Man I hope we get a better snow fall next winter!......

another pic of our back yard...man it is so big and great!...the only thing that would make it better is if there was a fence to keep Halo in, heh.......

Here is a cake at the youth cake auction last Sunday! it was crazy how cool this cake looked, heh...still nothing compared to my Groom's cake at our wedding, but still cool nonetheless......

Here is a cool thing I found while walking around Best buy the other day!... all of these CDs are Christian! This was a tooth and Nails display and I think it was amazing how they got an end isle display of their CDs.... granted most of them are really heavy metal Christian, but still cool......

Well, this week I was talking to some one on my ell phone sitting in my car and I turned off the engine, but kept the key turned for the heat and radio to be on...and after the 7-10 min phone call my battery died! So I got my Sr. Pastor to jump my car, and I drove it straight to pep boys for them to put me a new one in...and while I was walking down the isle I saw this air freshener....yep it is a rosary that is scented! I could not believe it..... Amazing.....

I told my mother about a dream I had the other day and she told me she wanted to paint it...so I tried to find a few still pictures of movies that had a few scenes that might give her an example of how she could draw it...and here are a few of the screen grabs I got....the first two are of The Nothing from the movie The Neverending Story...man they did a good job on these clouds.....

and another of The Nothing.....

And lastly here is TLOTR:TTT and Gandolf is leading an army.... I loved the sun rays shining down upon them and leading their way...very cool! I wonder if the church realizes this is a good visual of the movement we are to be, but we fight with truth, grace, love and forgiveness. man I love this pic.....
Ok so I have been collecting lots of links and it is about time that I shared a few with yall like I do every so often...
Amazing hand pen feats...check out this video...it is amazing...
10 obscure facts about Albert Einstein
communion cups made out of face outlines...very cool.
Jason the autistic boy who scored 20 points in 4 mins in a basketball game...this video is amazing!
and lastly is a article about Florence UMC and The Waters in the Cinci paper. They even have a few shots of me in there, heh.... but even though I am not 26 and in reality I am 29...I guess I can take the compliment! heh... yall have a wonderful week and God bless yall!
lOVED ALL THE PICTURES! The snow looked really nice since we've had so little. I agree on your groom's cake--especially since your mom ate all the remains left from the wedding. That cake was absolutely the best cake I've ever tasted! It like me so well it stayed on as several pounds of fat--oh, well--it's "off to be better next time" song. I thought the church article was just great. So proud of your church and all the vision you have.
So dude, tell me about the cake auction. You're the second church I have heard about that does this. What is it for? I assume it's a fundraiser. And if so, how much does it bring in? And for how big of a group (youth group as well as church)? We are dealing with fundraising issues and always looking for new ideas. Thanks...
HEy DG-- looks like you got more snow than we did in Lexington.. glad to see all is well with you and hope you and Tiffany are doing well. Also-- could you either email me, or do a blog post about this "Church of Scientology" thing I've heard so much about? I hear abou tit but I dont exactly know where it came from, what its about and why it is considered a religion... Anyway, talk toy ou later
Yeah Cake auctions were not uncommon in West Texas growing up and they combine this cake auction here in Florence with a Speghitti dinner and talent show as well. The cakes were just in the middle of the room while everyone ate around the cake table and the talent show was gpoing on up front. Bassicaly you just ask the church to bring the best cake they make or two or three and then you just allow for people to sign up (silent auction kind of thing) with thier name and the amount they will be willing to pay for the cake...and the amounts get higher and higher throught the night... I also have seen the cake sale be a real auction in our conference and they made a ton of money. I think everyone wants to give money to the youth/conference UMM/UMW, etc... and this way they get to take home a cake and give! I am not sure how much the youth made from the cake auction I FUMC (I can ask Lisa the youth/associate pastor how much she got just from the cake auction...I know that the conference cake auction some cakes went for $400 - $500! Of course it was all going to a mission in Covington...but still very cool!
Blossom...sure just send me an email so I have yours and I can help you with anything you may need. the main thing I would do is just spend some quailty time was your options in the site and feel free to chak out the FAQ and help menu with the blogger search engine....That is really what has helpedme the most. and turn on word verfication because you will eventualy get lots of comment spam and this seems to fix the problem. Well take care!
of favorites stuff you have to go into your blog templete and find the text "enter link here" what ever it says on the blog page, and enter the website links and name there replacing the words.
And pictures the best thing for pictures is just download a program called Picassa and you can use a program called hello and any picture on your computer can be added to your blog. Email me with any questions.
I sent Tiffany your email address so she could answer your question. To put it is a short form....it is FREAKING WEIRD! heh heh....but let me know if Tiffany does not answer your email and I will remind her.
Thank yal for visiting my blog! Love yall!
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