Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita comes to Texas.....

Well, Tiffany talked to Noelle her sister today and Noelle is a baby/mother nurse in Austin, TX...and she said that it is crazy in Austin! Everyone is feeling the TX coast line and heading toward the middle of TX. Noelle said that her hospital had a mandatory nurse floor meeting and they were telling them that those people who were working Friday and Saturday (and those are the nights Noelle is working) to bring several changes of clothes because they have no idea what might happen...and even if the winds die down they might still be winds that no one in Austin, TX built hospital windows to withstand. Noelle told her sister that she went to Wal-Mart to go buy some batteries and water and food and such...and her little boy Caleb said, "Where'd it all go Momma where'd it al go?" Apparently, everyone even as far in as Austin are freaking out so bad that there was not any cans, Ramen Noodle Soup, or Noelle and Craig have filled up their tub with clean drinking water and are filling up every bottle of Caleb's with water just in case...crazy!

Tiffany talked to her cousin (an d I have one there too) in Houston and she said that she tried to leave town but people's cars are running out of gas due to the long waits on the interstate (12 hrs...reported) and to top it all off there is no more gas at the stations because everyone has bought it al and the gas trucks can not get to the stations due to the cars backing sounds crazy....Tiffany's cousin tried to leave but after 5 hours on the interstate at a stand still she needed the rest of the gas to drive back to her home.....and from what I have heard from my cousin...she has said the same Tiffany and I both have family there.

And my father said that when they left the hotel in Abilene that every room was check out in the holiday inn tonight!!! A Thursday in Abilene and all the hotels are that is crazy!

And I am hearing the same stuff from Cody in San Antonio!

Well, I say all of this to say the obvious...please KUTPs!!!! The Promise land needs them right now...ha ha ha.... our thoughts and prayers are with you all....


The Church at Austin said...

You're right on about the freakin' out! It's amazing how a day changes things. Now we only have a 30% chance of rain tomorrow (Sat.) and no real threat from the hurricane here in Austin. I hope your Houston people stay safe-

Anonymous said...

It is crazy. Here's hoping everyone's family in Houston will be o.k. We last heard that Rita had at least been downdraded to a 3 instead of a 4 or 5. That would certain help on winds. I loved silly Halo and the video. Mom