Saturday, September 24, 2005

The one about another REDs game and what a dinner and movie @ the Hollums House and Hollums Home Theater would be like......

Well, this was from Friday morning when Tiffany made me put on a children's play hat and the Will Wonka Glasses from the latest movie..and took my picture...I tried to look as weird as Willy Wonka...but I don't think I pulled it off, heh......

Now this one was me buying a $1.50 beard @ Meijer today...and so I just had to add it to the fro wig I had...I think you can almost see an eye, heh..... This is probably what I would look like if I never cut my hair...Seriously...ask anyone who as seen me with my shirt off. It is crazy! heh heh....... This makes me look like Aaron Mansfield...before the trim and clean cut days...heh heh....or if anyone saw the Leno Show last night...Mel Gibson right now, heh...

well, yep you guessed it I went to the REDs game tonight....and record holds true....I personally have never seen the REDs loose if I am physically at the game!!! Someone needs to buy me season tickets...heh..... as you can see though...these are the free tickets that they give out to every student ad teacher in the schools around the needless to say...the last time I went I was sitting 10 rows from the field...this time I was sitting 5 rows from the top nose bleed seats...heh...oh well, a fun time was still had by all!!! you can compare them all and see the HUGE difference...and the difference in price for me was the same, heh.......

my typical pan from left to right......

and the last one on my right...great view of the river though........

We went with the Choi's and as you can see we had a lot of fun!...Well John was working on it...Actually I think in this picture he was trying to make sure that he got us all in the picture...Thanks John!.......

Here is the money shot, heh....I am sure I will have my Mom asking for this one, heh......

one a little different with Tiffany going for the sweet look...instead of the fun look above, heh......

And lastly...Tiffany had the camera and I had no idea what she took pictures of...but here is Sylvia giving her notorious "Give me my poker chips back you just won!" face. Heh heh ha ha..... Well, Church tomorrow and the preschool silent auction tomorrow afternoon...and I donated a dinner and a movie for the we shall see how much some people will think that we are worth....wondering what we are going to do for the evening? Well here is the menu and movie info:

Romantic Candle-lit Authentic Mexican Dinner and a Movie For Two

Evening's Menu

Molotes de Papa y Queso (Potato-Masa with Fresh Cheese)

Main Course
Carne o Pollo a la Poblana con Hongos (Your pick of Choice quality Rib Eye Steaks or Chicken Breasts topped with sauteed shiitake mushrooms, smothered in a New Mexico chili, garlic, and cilantro cream sauce)

Frijles Refritos (Classic Mexican Fried Beans with Onions and Garlic)
Arroz Verde al Poblano (Green Poblano Rice)

La Torta Clasica del queso con la salsa de vanilla y raspberry (Classic Cheese Cake served on a plate of Vanilla sauce drizzled on top with a raspberry puree)

For the movie in the evening you will be enjoying the (fully 6.1 surround sound speakers and 50 inch widescreen TV calibrated to perfection) Hollums Home Theater, relaxing in all leather fully reclining home theater chairs (popcorn, drinks, and candy provided from the concession stand if you still have any room left) and your pick of over 170 movie titles to choose from.

Departing Gift
This will be a night that you will not soon forget and as a token of our commitment to you and your love...a departing gift CD of Barry White singing, "Let's Get it On" will be given to the winner of this unbelievable night @ the Hollums House!

I know yall want that dinner and a movie, heh....shoot I want it, heh.....yall please take care and never forget and never stop KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures of you in the hat and the beard!! Your comments were just as funny as the pictures. I loved your view of the Reds stadium. Yes, I'd love either one of you and Tiffany together. I would sure bid on your romantic night out offer--especially if you and Tiffany cooked it!! I am sure it would be great!! Love to you both

Anonymous said...

Deeg, Tiff & Barry White - A thought I never wanted in my head!

Anonymous said...

Wow DG... I have to say, I really want that dinner and a movie thing... maybe we can work out an arangement :-D Cause you can cook some wicked food, and wow... I have to say, I'm jealous!!

The Church at Austin said...

Would plane tickets be included in the deal? You might have a bidder from Texas for that!

DGH said...

Oh man what I would do to be able to fix dinner for all of you!....but I might have to ask for a few donations to the Hollums debt fund fist, heh....especially if airline tickes were included, ha ha....

BTW: The dinner went for something like $220!!!!! It was a great time by all and lots of people had fun...I am still working my way up to Gary (the Sr. Pastor) who feeds 4 people and his went for $450 something I think...or well, I will take him next year! ha ha ha..... Thank yall!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'd definatly be game for paying a bit for an amazing evening like that... how serious are you about doing it?? Cause I'm serious about offering up some $$ :-D