Saturday, April 16, 2005

Well, My wonderful mother visited us over the end of the week (Wed.- Sat.) and we had a lot of fun! Some days we just spent enjoying each other and being lazy and other days (Friday) we went shopping in Albq. and Santa Fe and it was funny I was the only one to buy clothes and the women just tagged along telling me what they liked and didn't like and then I just ended up buying what I wanted to by....what do they know about style and fashion? heh heh...Well any way this picture is of my Momma painting a little and Sushi is helping her, heh.

The first place we went shopping was the outlet stores here in Santa Fe on our way to Albq. and wouldn't ya know it they had a Bozo the Clown kiddy bus ride!!!! Oh man I and Tiffany would have loved this thing when we were kids....oh I mean...we loved this thing, heh....OK well I loved it and made Tiffany get into the bus (oh which you can see she fits nicely in, heh) Man, I loved watching the Grand...PRIze.....GAME! knew it was coming......I had to jump in there too, with a little moral support from you can see I was stoked about it...and now that I look at the picture I think I was a little crazed about it...but remember the hair (head and chin) adds a little fear to any picture...but those of you who know me know that is only sweetness inside....Shut it! all of you who really know me, heh heh.....

Here is the only shirt that Tiffany actually really looked at...and look at that price...dang that is a good price for a shirt from Van Heusen..Oh and man I got some great deals on shirts here! Not a one of the nice dress shirts I bought were over $17...its good to have outlet stores around you, heh....I liked this shirt...but I will let Tiffany spend her own money....

Here is that Tulip I took a picture of earlier..and it sure has grown up, heh....We got a lots of rain this afternoon and evening so I bet the flowers will be coming out soon! Oh yeah!....

And is a wonderful picture of my hot wife with my cool dog, heh......I love them both so much! Dang that is a cute picture! reminds me of one thing my photography professor taught me all those many years ago back in undergrad...."You ca never go wrong with baby animals, and babies, heh....I guess it is just something deep inside of all of us that know babies are cute and sweet! Even though these two are not the sweetest, heh they both sure are cute in my eyes!.....KUTPs!!!...... Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Sure, there's sweetness inside. However, look at the eyes - the anger, the rage, the intensity, the power. Ladies & Gentlemen, that is not DG the pastor, that is DG THE GRENGO!!!!

Sorry about the shouting. It's for emphasis.
CB, perhaps better known as #72, Los Grengos Locos, 1995-1997

DGH said...

Ha Ha Ha....the one and only Los Grengo Loco #52!!!! heh....

Oh about bring back some memories! wow.

For those of you who do know how to speak Spanish...yes it is mispelled...thanks to a tee-shirt we just kept it, heh...

Anonymous said...

Actually, it wasn't the T-Shirt place's fault, it was the team member who put in the order the first year. He didn't know that "Gringo" was spelled with an "i" and not an "e". Boy, it's a good thing that he's not in a career where a misspelling could kill somebody - you know, like a doctor!'

Anonymous said...

DG in a Bozo the Clown kiddie car.... I'm impressed :-D