Sunday, April 24, 2005

The one about...wouldn't ya know it as soon as I sit down to write a (long over due) blog post.....

Tiffany calls form her cell phone to tell me that my car (the only reason she was driving mine is that her car was getting worked on and so she was driving my car until her's got fixed...and her car was fixed...but instead of moving all of her junk over to her car she just took my car) that she is driving up the huge hill towards Los Alamos just died on her!!!!!

So now I am waiting for the tow truck guy to call me and go pick up the car and then I will take him to the home of the guy who fixes my car....we are blessed that USAA does pay for the tow to get into Santa that is good news!!, heh...but now I am also waiting on the guy who fixes my car to get off the phone so I can find out his address so the tow truck can get there. Oh sure is crazy!

Well, the tow truck got the car and now I am driving up to White Rock to pick up Tiffany and bring her home.....hope to not be too tired to tell you all about my crazy day with people who picket my church, us moving in June, and digging up my front yard's fountain! pictures and somuch more to come soon....

(sorry about the bad posting...I really have been unusually tried...but I know you long haulers out there stick with me, heh. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

First of all, a "toe truck" ? C'mon Deeg.

Secondly, how do you manage ot have USAA coverage? USAA to the best of my knowledge is for US Service Members and their immediate family members.
(I, btw, LOVE USAA.)

DGH said...

yes, my joke on very low sleep did not go over very I have since this comment corrected it all......(well, the best a stupid author can do)....and yes i am the son of a retired Airfoce service man which in this world and perhaps in many other worlds would be considered...."immediate family"

btw: I LOVE you Thor!!! and Tiffany's father is retired Army, heh.

it does make me feel a little sad for my children though...heh.

Anonymous said...

Ive got USAA as well and I love it!!! From what I understand, anyone that is family of someone in the service can use it.. so when Timothy is 16.. I can cover him on it and after he moves out, he can use it still and when he gets married, ect ect....but the point is... no one can touch usaa... they save me soooo much money