Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The one about Google maps adding satellite and you might be seeing more of me...

Well, Google maps silently added the VERY cool feature to their maps that allows for satellite images to be displayed on the maps! VERY COOL! So.... get to using this really neat map program and when you find what you are looking for go ahead and click on "satellite" in the top right of the web page and see the actually satellite imagery for what your looking for...I could actually see my house! And our church...and...well you get the idea just follow the link below:

Google Maps


The next thing I read from today off of Slashdot is that Google might be in the next few days be allowing video on their instead o just hearing me via the audio blogs...or seeing still pictures of me... you might start seeing video of me too....but of course I have no way of recording me via video other than my really bad web you may not be seeing as much of me...but when Tiffany and I have a child and I al allowed to buy a digital camcorder then you might be seeing a lot more of me, heh....

The article is found in the link below:

Google soon to allow video blogs


Ok here is another picture for you to leave a comment on:

"Hey what are you looking at?"

(side note...I actually saw this on the road...disturbing..but funny)


Anonymous said...

did you take that picture? Our society is really very vulgar. Oh, well. That is like cussing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think this guy (the one who owns the truck) has issues! LOL

Anonymous said...

"See what happens when you take steroids? You get big but other parts shrink!"

DGH said...

yep, yep, and yep! ;)