Thursday, January 13, 2005

the one that I finally found the Honda add.....

I have been searching for this one for a while and here it is....I f you have not ever seen is truly amazing!

The Honda Ad (with NO computer effects)
(Oh and it requires Flash)

Also, while I was with jay i watched a cool special on some channel (can't remember where on "Free Runners" these people are amazing too, and you should really check them out if you can.


Jay Update:

Well, I just got off the phone with Sheila and Jay, and it looks like we are going to go another round with this stuff. The day I left Jays fever went back up (how high I have no idea) and they took out his pik (sp?) line that was in his arm that they hook up all the IVs to and they found infection in that line. That is a good thing because they know where the infection is and can take care of it. (i.e. pull the Pik out and put a non-infected one back in)

the bad news is they did a CT scan on him today and they found a few polips (sp?) in his lungs. This means that they will need to do a Broncoscipy (sp?) tomorrow, and find out what those polips are. Now this is especially nerve racing because it was this procedure that they did that put him in the ICU for around 10 days just a few week ago, but they are hopefully that this time his lungs are healthy enough to be able t handle the procedure and they can find out what is going on down there.

Yeah...if you feel anything like I do then you are sick of all the bad things happening and want some good stuff, but this is just not the time for that now, and we need to send out a prayer call again...with everyone can focus their prayer even better.

Please KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, I went back to work last night for the Wednesday Community Night that our church hosts for the community (even though the majority of people who come are the church members, ha ha) and it was good to see everyone there all the faces smiling and hugs supporting Jay and our family. It is also great to see the faces and people that you have been feeling their prayer over the past couple of days. I think God upon my every remembrance of them all.......Sometimes I thank him for the challenge of them....ha ha ha but mostly the love and support they shower upon me in our ministry setting!

I am dog tired (I guess that is a true statement if the dog has run around lake Michigan 4 times, swam the English channel 3 times, and fought a tiger) I am preparing a wedding rehearsal tomorrow, the wedding Saturday, and then a sermon on Sunday...over (get this) the book of Revelation!!! heh. I laugh at this because it took my Seminary Professor every day for a month from 8:00-11:30 am and then from 1:00-4:00 pm to cover the book of Revelation, ha ha my sermon will cover the different ways that Revelation has been interpreted and then give my way (which happens to be my Professor's way...which seems to me to be a very Jewish way of reading it) and apply it to a chunk of scripture in Revelation.

I will post the sermon here after I preach it just as always so all of you can read it.


Well, I think that is about it for tonight. I know Sheila will send out another email tonight, but I might have to attach it to this blog tomorrow. So be on the look out for it soon. (and I know that her email will be spelled correctly, heh) Oh well, the things you people have to put up with (my grammar and spelling, heh) I am getting used to the new keyboard and mouse that I got for Christmas so I almost feel like I am learning to type all over again, heh. Thanks again for all your prayers and love and support! I can not express to you all enough how much you mean to me, Jay, Sheila, and my entire family! Yall to put in into two words.....Stinking ROCK!

Love yall and please always remember to KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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