Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Me sick...very sick....

Well, I will not post a long blog post, because I am very sick! I am also very I guess that makes me sick and tired...nothing more just sick and tired. heh

Well, I just wanted to give you all an update on Jay:

Jay Update:

Jay was not feeling good today and had a small temperature (100 something) so it was not as bad as last time, but still not great. They were expecting this one so it is not as much of a shock as it was last time. He is still on course to go see the Dr.'s and to check to see if he has cancer still or please pray hard for the results to be "no cancer". I am not sure how long it will take to get the results back from the tests tomorrow, but how ever long it takes please KUTP!!!!

Love yall take care, and I am going to see if I can get some rest now. bye bye!

BTW: I must say my wife is the greatest person on the planet! She cooked for me today and even help clean off my desk @ work while we had our prayer service tonight! Tiffany is the bestest of the bestest, heh Love you girl!!! (if you ever read this, heh)

Oh and....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get feeling better soon Deeg!