Thursday, August 26, 2004

Cough, Cough....

Well, my sickness has moved from my head to my chest, so I feel a little better, but I cough all the time.....good news is that it is a productive cough, heh.

Jay Update:

Well we were hoping today for Jay to have his Bone Marrow scan to check and see if he still has cancer or not. Well, they all showed up to the Dr.'s office today and @ the Dr.s office they did a blood test to see if his white blood cell count was high enough. Well, the good news is his WBC count was very high, BUT.......the Dr.'s thinks that his high WBC count is due to one of the drugs that they gave him, so the dr. has told Jay to come back next Friday and they will do the tests that they were planning on doing today. Jay seems to think that the Dr.s believes that he is in remission, but we will never know until the results come back from the test that they will do next Friday. (and then it will probably take another 4-5 days to get the results) So...basically we think this is al a good thing, but we will not know positively until the test next Friday and then how long it will take to get the results back.

As my Dad said this morning...."I think you are the sick one in the family right now" heh. Man, I sure hope so!!!!

Thank you all for your love and care and please KUTP!

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