Monday, July 19, 2004

My spilling and grammmmer

Well, as most of you know, I caint speel, and my grammmmmer is not the best of all )in the world(. So, I just thought I would wright one blog posting that I dant speel ckec and danit care about me grammmmer?! @

Seriously, most of my "misstakes" is cause I am typing so fast, and I never re-read these things before I publish them. I was talking to Deb yesterday about this and she said that my blog drove her crazy when it came to my spelling and grammar. I laughed, and nodded my head in agreement. For as long as I could remember I have never been good about my spelling or grammar. I only received one perfect grade on a paper in any English class Jr. High, High School and College. And that paper was typed using a manual typewriter and I checked every single word in a dictionary (before the internet) for it's spelling and correct usage. I was only allowed three write-out mistakes on each page and the paper was 7-10 pages long. Everything had to be perfect, and apparently it was. This was in 7th grade and the teacher ran down to my mother's class room (yep I had my mother for 7th grade life science) after school and wanted to congratulate me in person! Well, for me that really was an honor, and I don't think she or I knew how much of an accomplishment that really was for me (not just for my 13th year of age, but for my entire life) Ha Ha Ha!

Well, getting back to my spelling and grammar, I must say that I think that God has given me a unique gift with several bonuses. The first one is friends that can see past the spelling and grammar to the heart of the author. The second is the gift to help others to know that the world does not fall apart with a word is misspelled or the grammar of the English language is brutally beat to a pulp. And the Third is, teaching others how to forgive.

So for all of you people who read this post day after day, screeching in horror of my spelling and grammar, I hope that you are able to grow towards maturity in Christ through the gifts that God has given me, and help you to become more forgiving and able to see past the outside and look into heart of writer instead of the ink.

I am very thankful that I preach audibly, and not in writing. Yes, I write a newsletter article here and there, but by the time you read it a wonderful person by the name of Juaniece has made all the corrections and protected me from the flames of perfectionistic, legal-minded, English rule abiders. And I thank God every day for my wife who helped me actually get through Seminary. I remember one Salesmanship class in undergraduate school that made us take our test in blue books (the very thought of them makes me cringe, aaaaaahhhhhhhhh). I answered every question on the test perfectly, but I made a 70 on the test. And the 70 was taken off due to ONLY misspellings. The dean of the business school even came into the class and threatened to our class that he might start making all students take a spelling test to graduate from the school. (terror again filled my mind, even though I knew he was just joking) It turns out he was the father of a very good friend of mine in school, and one of my best friends in High School and College married that friend (you need to remind your dad of this Kristi, heh)

Well, I can tell several other stories, like Seminary professors giving me personal notes on my papers with the words of encouragement, "Did you even proofread this?", or "I think you could write this paper better in Hebrew than using the English language". Yep, there were some cool, seminary professors, and a few that were...uh....Desiring excellence out of me. heh heh.

Well enough of me let get to the......(drum roll please.......)

Jay Update:

I talked to Jay yesterday and he said that he has a blood work result tomorrow (Tuesday) and if the blood work is good, then they will start the section III chemo on Thursday or Friday. If the test is not good, then they will postpone the chemo until his body is back up enough to receive the chemo. Jay wants his body to be good, because he doe snot want any delays in the chemo schedule and just get this thing over and done with. So thank you and know your prayers are effective, and working! He and we appreciate them all and love every single one of you! KUTP!

Oh yeah, I saw i, ROBOT Saturday, and it was VERY good. It was the typical, "Man, makes robot, man makes robot too good, robot starts to think for its self, robot rebels against man, man kills central brain of all robots". This time at least the robots do what they do, because "man can not be allowed to take care of themselves, because they war and kill themselves. The first time I saw this kind of theme was in The Fifth Element. It is true, that mankind is not a good steward of his fellow man, or the world we live in, but I believe this is the result of choosing not to be in right relationship with God. So...all the more reason to share your relationship with God with others so they too may know and experience "too blave, true love, true love he can not ask for a better reason than that" (go watch The Princes Bride for that loose quote) But, if you like Sci-Fi flicks with lots of action and a splattering of humor from Will Smith then you will love this movie. Oh Happy Days....oh happy days, Oh Happy Days... oh happy days. heh.

God bless yall, and take care! Good night!


Anonymous said...

I counseled elementary camp last week at Aldersgate (kids going into 5th and 6th grade). One kid in my cabin told me that he had had 7 girlfriends. But they all broke up with him because he would correct their grammar!!!! He's missed like, 5 episodes of Jeopardy in his entire life.

Anonymous said...

My mom is a notoriously bad speller. I used to correct her notes to me when I was a kid (smart-alecky h.s. kid is more like it). I quit when she really got her feelings hurt. I TRY (emphasize TRY) not to be so anal about spelling and grammar on the 'net. I used to proof-read for a living, and so you see where I get it! Don't be mad! :( Even if I can't always understand what you wrote, I still read it, and I still love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh well, for some reson it will not let me sign-in, but this is D.G.

Deb, I am never mad at all this is something I have delt with my whole life, so t really is no big deal to me. I find it funny that there are those people out there that is kills them to have mistakes. I can not even tell you how many times we get comments on the printed order of worship each Sunday...when I get up there and SAY about 50 mistakes on a Sunday, but they easily forgive me, and cmoe down hard on Juaniece... (Poor Juaniece...I love and appreciate everything you do!) (Beside there really are very few mistakes as much any more, thanks again!)

Secondly, man, when I was that age I was into wooing girls...and watching Star Trek, heh. I need to blog about the time that I gave a girl a single rose and teddy bear in 6th grade for Val. Day. Oh man...bad day for D.G. heh.