Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Airplanes, Sheila letter for Jay update, and love

I wrote these words while on the airplane traveling from Jay and Sheila's to Santa Fe and thought you might like to read them:

Today I saw the clouds from above them. It reminded me of when I was a little boy and rode airplanes for the 1st Time. I just wanted (& still do BTW) to go walk around on them.

I thank that airplanes are one of "those places" for me. We all have "those places" don't we? A place or circumstance that we just are compelled to strike up a conversation w/ God. I realize that airplane window seats might be a place for some of you that you feel compelled to talk w/ God w/o the peacefulness I am describing, (ha ha more like, "LORD HELP CALM MY NERVES" but where are "those places" for you?

A few of those places for me are fly fishing in the cool mountains, Airplane window seats, holding my wife at night and the morning in bed, outside the front doors of dances, watching humming birds, sitting in mall benches, reading the Bible and other Theological books, and lastly (as if you might not guess it...this blog, heh heh)

So think about "those places" for you and then make some time to get to those places, and do some talking, Lord knows you always need to spend more time there with your creator, redeemer, and sustainer. I will pray that you can carve out time more and more as you live your life for Christ each day!

Jay Update:

Well, today Sheila sent out an update via email and I thought I would let Sheila do some blog posting tonight (BTW: Sheila I never got this email I had to have my Dad forward it to me...you mean mean woman, ha ha)

"Jay was released today at 5:30pm Eastern Time. He has a day free from Doctors tomorrow and then he is back to Rituxin on Thursday (West Penn Hospital Short Stay). They have to do blood draws everyday (hopefully, we can get a home nurse to do this) and Rituxin every other day. He has a lumber puncture (spinal tap) where they insert with 2 different chemo drugs once a week and every 21 days he will have to be hospitalized for 5 days for his chemo cycles. His counts aren't bad yet but will get bad next week. The Doctors said this chemo regimen he is on now is one of the strongest regimens. They had to take a more aggressive apporach since the CHOP regimen failed. It's a 12 day chemo/immunotherapy cycle followed by 9 days of recovery and includes more than 12 different chemo drugs. This is done for 6 cycles. They gave him Methotrexate for 24 hours straight (most chemos are infused over an hour or two) while he was in the hospital and then had to give him a drug to remove it from his system over the course of three days along.

The next several months are going to be tough but considering everything he has already gone through and what he is facing, he is doing great.

Feel free to call him at home 724-853-0204


Want to know where Sheila works? Here is Direct Advantage Marketing

Oh, and I thought that I would let you see what Jay did for their christmas card/website last year for Christmas, and that is Hollums.com

Well, my father and I also got Jay some gifts for surviving the 1st round of chemo and Jay you should be getting those in the mail soon (I order them tonight) so we all hope you (and probably Sheila, heh) enjoy them. We are all still praying for you and love you so much.

Well, as always I want you all (those who are reading this blog) to know that I love you! I can not express my thanks and gratitude for the ways you support me, Tiffany, my parents, and especially Jay and Sheila! your prayers are amazing, and we are all giving God the credit for Jay's wonderful outlook on the whole thing, and the good ways he has reacted to the chemo...they were telling us that it was supposed to be a lot worse this it has been, so keep praying that it continues to be handeled so well by Jay and his body...and that the cancer gets it's butt kicked! Thanks again and I do love you all!

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