Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Voting day today.

Here in Santa Fe and I am sure other places around the world (mostly smaller cities) we have the actual people running for the various offices standing at major intersections around town holding signs saying vote for me. Waving at people etc... (see previous post of a sing for Blog.

Well, I got to thinking... What if you, me, and Christian just stood on a street corner with a sign that said, "God loves you!" or "God loves you...And so do I", or maybe even, "God loves you...Any questions?"

I think that would rock, especially around now when there would be a political person standing right beside you hold up their sign, ha ha.

I remember reading somewhere of a guy that did social experiments. And one of them was to pay random people $40 to hold a sign that either said "yes" or "no" and to picket on road, with the "yes" on one side and the "No" on the other. They had pictures and man that cracked me up. They got like 10-20 people picketing with yes and no signs... Oh man, that would rock, but I wonder what kind of response you would get with "God loves you" signs. Well, I am late again for work (this time from lunch) ha ha. Take care and know God loves you!

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