Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Good morning!

I probably should not say good morning because most of you will probably no read this in the morning time, and if you do then probably not the morning of the 1st. I could say good June 1st, but it still will be in history. I supposed like most things, but what really gets on my nerves is when you watch a great movie and then it has a political joke or some kind of reference to something going on in that time period, and then I know when my kids watch the movie a couple 5-15 years down the road they will not get the joke. I think timeless movies are better, but then again some things that were written a long time ago that might have jokes or plot lines that satired (sp?) the times are still good today. Like Revelation, or some of Shakespeare's works (not to versed in that, but I am sure some were) I hear that Alice in Wonderland was written talking about the government/ruler of the time period (while also on drugs? Is that right) What about.......(must.....come.....back......to what I wanted to write about.....

Maybe I should call this blog "stream of conscience" ha ha.

Well, I just really wanted to tell everyone what a beautiful day it is today. I am late for work (hence no links in the post) But I wanted to tell you that I prayed for everyone reading this post and I hope your day is made just a little brighter because of God being with you! Take care and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Yeah and when movies start out saying "present day" what about a hundred years from know when every thing in that movie is out dated but it still starts out "present day" These people are realling asking for their movies to not become classics.

DGH said...

Amen! Thatr kills me too! Thanks for pointing that one out!