Sunday, June 06, 2004

Ok the promised stuff...

Ok well I finally got the photos ready for your viewing, heh.

Ok here is the deal. I just spent 4 days at a Southern Baptist Camp, called "Lifeway Christian Center" (If you have eve been in a Lifeway Christian Bookstore then you know what company I am talking about). So I decided that I needed to go to the bathroom and as I was sitting on the toilet I looked to my left, and normally I do not ever look on the walls of the stall, but something drew me to this one, and you just have to see what I saw.

Then I looked a little high up and saw this.

Needless to say I was shocked! Wow was I really in a bathroom. Man I was really wondering what was on or in the walls of the other stall. Now most of the time if you walk into a public bathroom a magazine is the last thing you want to see, because most of the time it is not a magazine you would desire to read for the articles, so you can image what was going through my mind when I saw this!!!

Well if any of you want to know what this place looked like then you can see the pictures below. It is hard to imagine that this place is just 15 mins away from the High desert of Santa Fe. Needless to say it was a nice retreat.

And this one that is a good picture if I do say so myself, heh

Well, thanks for your patience and I hope you are all doing well. Take care and have a great night!

1 comment:

DGH said...

Did anyone actually see those photos? man I thought that was funny enough to take my camera with me and get a photo or two. Man I am disappointed...or you people don't know how to post comments...or it was so stupid that you did not care.... hmmm, of well. Thanks for reading this even...if you get here to read it, heh.