Thursday, June 10, 2004

Free music

I don't know if any of you have heard of shame and shame, I actually first listened to shame back when he was part of a group called shame and Caleb (they rocked BTW, if you ever find it on a store shelf snatch it immediately!!) But I bought the new shame and shame CD just the other day and they are giving away 2 free MP3's if you jjust give them your email, name, and zip code. It is really great Folk Rock Christian (Actuall shame and shame are more mellow than shame and Caleb, so they would probably be more Folk than rock of Folk Rock Christian) But I thought I would throw you the website to DL the MP3's. (Oh also check out the other guy named James Clay. His song Franklin Park is a Christian Counting Crows. I can't even describe how much he sounds like that band. WOW, I actually thought I was listening to TCC when it first came on. Very good

also I will be adding more and more Easter eggs on the posts if I can remember to do them, heh. be looking for them. The one in this post sends you to one of my favorite bands/groups!!! Oh yeah they are awesome...Primarily in person though. You might even find a video of them somewhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm... shaNe & shaNe, shaNe & caleb