Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve....Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year....

Well, the sermon went very well this morning and so I thought I would allow everyone to read it if they would like and I might try to put up the audio for it again..but I need Courtney to host it on his site...and I need the Cd from it too, heh...

But here is this years Christmas Eve (morning Sermon:

Their Story, Your Story, Our Story

(don't forget that you need Adobe Reader to Read the sermon)


So I was looking @ the blogs I read and I saw this and I thought it was kind of cool:


Well, I am off to go to the 6:00 pm candle light and communion service....and then another one @ 11:00 pm... I hope and pray that everyone is having a wonderful end of Advent and has a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!


My Apple laptop is in the shop and I hope to get it back in about a week so, I you do not get to see much of me around here, or on my email that is the reason...I feel naked...but it is probably for the best! I love each and everyone of you and I hope that whoever reads the sermon is blessed by it. Yall take care and God bless yall! KUPTs!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an unusual and unusually moving sermon! It hurts to realize that our selfishness needing to be redeemed is the real reason for the season. I guess real joy only comes when you can truly appreciate what hs been done for all of us. Love, Mom