Monday, November 13, 2006

YouTube videos of Seattle Conference Trip...and....I promise more conference stuff soon....

Well, I promise that I have a ton of stuff on the Revolution conference I went to. It was a great time had by all, and I will get that to yall as soon as I can... In the mean time, I am uploading videos of the trip on YouTube right now (OK, it looks like they are all go and check them out right now @ My YouTube Seattle Trip Playlist..and trying to figure out all the seminars and talks we heard so I can give it in some kind of format that will work....also...the second Craddock seminar will be coming soon lot sot be looking forward to int he next couple of days....Oh and I have been playing Gears of War...and that is an amazing game...lots of cussing and blood...but still very awesome!

So in the middle time until I get this stuff can go over to Markus' blog and read about his thoughts on the conference....


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the videos, but they were a little dark. Still great you can even do that. Love, Mom

DGH said...

The Videos of the Space needle were dark, because we filmed it @ night..other than that the rest should be fine...might want to check the brightness of your screen. love yall!