Saturday, November 04, 2006

Welcome to Seattle's Pike Place Market.........

Well after a VERY crazy ride to the the public transit system is filled with lots of "interesting" people. We had a very nice driver, and a very needed crack user, and one lady in the back that was mad at them both...heh...tons of we go toff the bus, ran into a Rite Aid to buy umbrella's... so is freaking Seattle, heh.... and then we met some really good friends of mine @ the market right here at this place...where they are known for throwing fish....

Here is Juaniece enjoying a fish being thrown at her, heh heh... she so was sweet...we got there very late and they were about to close up...but she got them to throw one more fish so I could take a picture of it!!! She was so sweet and it was so good to see her and her husband Neil(sp?)!!! They really treated us wonderfully!...and even got our dinner that night! more on that later...but check out the flying fish above her head!!! Sorry it is blurry, but still very cool!Here is a Monk Fish...why do I have one of the ugliest fish in the world on my blog?...well, 1) because it is freaking ugly, 2) it had a sign next to it that said it was a Monk Fish, 3) Monk Fish liver is my favorite Sushi!!!


John said...

monkfish fillet, poached with chili broth and bean sprouts....
good eats...we'll hook you up when you get home.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow the fish throwing is amazing!!! My family stood for several fifteen to thirty just watching them throw fish it is so much fun! Probably the cheapest entertainment around.

DGH said...

Sounds good John...can't wait...

Cool Reese....I didn't know you had been to Seattle?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I went with my family while you were still in the Fe. Anyways I got some green chile today and it was amazing...I am listening to your sermon now the battle cry one. It is really good DG I might have to let the wesley peeps listen to this.