Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Simpson's Movie...

I saw the trailer for The Simpson's movie yesterday and man it was funny! Here is a link to the movie trailer:


And there is another movie coming out soon that has an official teaser trailer out and for you Harry Potter fans this might make you a little more happy:

Order of the Phoenix

OK so a friend of mine Sean was a little down and out yesterday and so we kind of hung out together yesterday and while we were in Kroger we got a short movie of a very funny Christmas lawn decoration.

And right before Santa...we hit the EB Games store for Sean to return some games and we got to play the Nintendo Wii....now yes I know that it is a stupid name...but seriously, this was soooo much fun! Truly amazing...and watch how Sean controls the car in the racing game....you literally move the controller not a button on it...but you move the controller...Nintendo really has something here...I had so much fun playing it....anyway here is the video of that fun time too:


Well, I know that some of you migt be interested in the Seattle trip I took, and so hopefully I can be able to put some of that one here soon...until then take care and KUTPs!!!! Love yall!


The Voice in the Desert said...

DG, I woke up my roommate with my laughing at the santa video. hahaha

Anonymous said...

that wii think looks pretty sweet. I heard the Zelda game is supposed to be pretty amazing too.

DGH said...

yeah Sean it is very funny!

and yeah Reese it was so much fun to play I am actively searching for one around here to buy and let the youth group here join in all my reindeer games!