Sunday, November 12, 2006

A few pictures from the trip to the funeral

Here is one of my favorite pics from the is from the plane and taken with a long exposure! Those lights are the green lights on the runway of the plane in Houston. I just thought it was very cool!
Here is the same airplane ride, but this time with the lights blinking under the wing of the plane....
Here is a big red ball just outside of Target in Lubbock, TX..... I loved the way the sun was hitting it and thought the contrast of light around the globe was cool. I was wondering why this was there. I can not remember if there was just this one, or multiple balls were around the parking lot...but it would be cool, if this was the center of the target from the bull's eye of the target logo.
And here is a shot of the shopping cart sing in the parking lot of Target..... I am not sure why I took this photo, but I like it...effective design work.


Anonymous said...

Loved bright photos. Neat camera tricks. I do like the lights, but I also agree that the shopping cart picture was really well designed. We sure miss you. Mom

Anonymous said...

DG!!!! Nothing much to say...just want to leave a message on your blog... :)

Markus Watson said...

Cool pics, D.G.!

DGH said...

Thanks yall!