Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pics from New camera!!!

Here is the best part, Macro I love using the Macro function....I can't wait to play around with this one!
Here is Steve enjoying a empty cup of double espresso with whip...Sean what is the name of this one again?
Here is our normal regulars tot he Friday OG...had a few missing tonight...including Tiffany who was sick @ the house...pray for her!
And who could ever forget John the is amazing how when I get something new tech wise...John takes it and plays with it...ha ha ha... and I love him for it! Yall have a great night! and KUTPs especially for Tiffany she is very tired, ca't sleep, running to the bathroom every few seconds and Imodium (sp?) AD is not helping...and she has been this way for a the next available Dr. time is Nov. 6th!!!! Yeah three weeks away! That is crazy insane...anyway she was doing good enough today to order pizza, but felt bad to her stomach afterwards...oh well we both think she will be fine...just needs to get lots of rest! Thank yall and take care! Posted by Picasa


The Voice in the Desert said...

The drink I got was called a Cubana. Double shot of espresso, whiped cream, and cinnamon.

Anonymous said...

love the albam, i know God is doing some great things though you two, love you guys!

DGH said...

Thanks Sean! And Thanks so much Tim!!! WE miss you more than you will ever know! Man we would love to see you!

Anonymous said...

I loved the new pictures--especially the album of silly Halo. The one of his begging on the kitchen table and of him squishing Sushi, the cat, really made me laugh lots. thanks for taking the time to do all this. Of course, the album of the family is wonderful, too.

Anonymous said...

Hope Tiffany is doing better. I think pizza might be a bit much for anyone feeling queesy in the stomach. Encourage gradual back to normal food. I will continute to pray for her. Tell her that her 2nd mom sure does want her well and loves her very very much.