Monday, August 28, 2006

Stanley and your thoughts...

Hey everyone go listen to this podcast from Emergent Village by Stanley Hauerwas (s?) It is about death and theology...and it is VERY good...let me know what you think! Take care and God bless yall!

oh heaven, why go to this one too and hear Bryan McLaren (sp?) talk about war. It was very thoughtful to my mind and I would love to have some discussion about them both!

I have to tell you that Stanley has inspired me to desire to preach on death...and I think it is lacking in almost all churches today!


p.s. my sermon is coming soon, I just wanted to get the audio form of it for yall to listen to instead of only reading it. I guess I can put up the text version too...but only if yall want it to compare to the audio...just to hear the things I leave out and add, heh...

See yall soon...I will try to be better at posting shorter posts for less reading more often...Take care and KUTPs!!!


Oh and I am almost back up to being able to run half a mile without stopping to walk (the mile is in my future...I hope to reach it by the end of Sept! yall hold me accountable on that one!)...and tonight I ran half a mile and walked the rest of 3 miles!!! That is crazy and even though my left leg huts I am very excited about it. Thanks to Nate and his friend pushing me through the Nike+ challenge they invited me to be a part of!


steve-o said...

I'm going to have to give this a listen, but I'm pretty sure it's one I heard a few years ago and it was totally fascinating. He notes that in the Middle Ages there were prayers in the liturgy for people to pray requesting a longer death. Whereas today people desire a quick death, the people in that day wanted to have ample time to seek forgiveness before the passed.

In a related note, one of my favorite books is his Resident Aliens. Written almost twenty years ago, it's amazing that Hauerwas had his pulse and the changes occurring in American culture/belief. It's a must-read.

DGH said...

Yeah Steve it is amazing...and I am such a freak about it all that when I am honest that I woudl love to go out of this world fighting with a sword, etc...but even then I would want my death to be short... and in reality they longed for a prolonged death, because they feared God more than they feared death! They asked for thier priest to come before they asked he Dr. to come. It trully is amazing to see how our faith and lives when it comes to death has been shifted over the years. Why does the church not have an ambulence? heh.