Saturday, September 03, 2005

The one about our local baseball team!

Hey Everyone! Tiffany and I went with another couple to our local semi-pro baseball team the Florence Freedom! We won..and a fun time was had by all...and I got these tickets from a very generous church member that just gave them to us!!! Here are a few pictures of the great seats we had! (this one is our view the whole night...)

Oh yeah...Look and that pitching form..mid throw. (sorry the net makes the picture blurry, heh)....

I decided to take pictures to make a panoramic view...but I still need to buy the software that will allow me to do such a until them you will get them all this one is far left of our seats the the rest will be spanning to our right.....

(you can really tell from this view...that the pitching got much better after the sun was out of their eyes, heh)....

Well we all have a fun time an d hope that all of you can go out and support your local pro or semi-pro teams as well, the family atmosphere is amazing..and the seats were wonderful! Go have some fun...and in the mean time we are al in need in this country and in this world of us all remembering to KUTPs!!!! God bless yall! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

From one blogger to another, I think that you should make an entry titled "The one about '...heh...' and other strange words I repeat over and over."

I'm just asking for it aren't I. ;)

DGH said...

yes Yes,,I am a "heh" whore. but how many other people do you see using it? everyone else just uses, "lol" or "rotfl"...I use what I am known for...and I an the "heh" man. heh.....heh heh heh

(btw: I lov eyou too Greg! heh.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm actually going to their last game tonight. Heard there's fireworks afterwards. (nifty!!) Although, after watching the WEBN fireworks last night, it might be a step backwards. But the baseball still kicks MAJOR arse. (pun intended, as I'd watch these guys over the Reds anyday)
And btw, you open for Skyline next
Sunday?? Let me know. Later dude!