Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The one about a few websites...and Tribe Extension Reminder...

Well, this week has been a good week so far..and I have been doing lots of work..and even more thinking..and in my line of work the thinking is work...and I guess I like it that way....I have always been a dreamer and I guess that will never stop (at least I hope it never goes away, heh heh)

Well I have been surfing the web a little here and there and every now and then I come across a website or two that might interest yall too...so here is a few that I have found...that I need to post here and then delete them from my favorites, heh:

Here is the yard sign I want to buy Tiffany some day...isn't it cute? It has Tiffany all over it, heh)

one and two websites that are great for finding bargains for tech stuff.

Ok, well looking through my list I have already posted a lot of them here anyway...so on to my next message:

Have any of you seen the trailer or movie preview of a movie called Serenity?

Well, this movie is based off of a short lived and much loved TV series called Firefly.....I saw the trailer and thought that it looked really cool, and then I decided to use our Netflix account and have Netflix ship me the DVD's of the TV series to check it out before the movie....and my response to the TV series.......................

Oh man oh man oh man....This TV series is some of the best TV I have seen since Star Trek The Next Generation!!!! It's writing is amazingly wonderful (from the guy who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel) and the special effects were very good for a TV show...and the actors could not have been better chosen....

The thought behind the series is this:

future sci-fi space ships/wild western theme (ie. the new frontier is not the west of the US, but the outer reaches of space). I started watching the series and they are so good that Tiffany could not stop watching them...I am probably going to some time buy the DVD TV series set...because it is that good and I would not mind watching them over and over!

The crew is made up of: the captain, the captain's old female war buddy who is married to the ships pilot, a shepherd (pastor, heh), a mercenary (only in it for the money), A companion (a respected a registered prostitute (yah I know it sounds bad...but if you think of a wild west show prostitutes were in ever bar it seems like), and a brother who is a fugitive Dr. who smuggled his genius sister away from the government who was doing mind experiments on.... and lastly a cutesy engineer that has a crush on the Dr......

to tell you the truth...it sounds a little like the rough crew that walked around with Jesus...you know that bunch was crazy to be around and I am sure the discussions were crazy too, heh....

Well, I wanted to make you all aware of the DVDs because the new movie called Serenity will be in Theaters on the 30th of this month..and I would encourage al of you to go check it out....I have also put a banner ad on the right side of the blog to encourage everyone to remember to go watch the movie....

well, yall take care ad have a good night...I and Tiffany are not feeling too well, so please KUTPs....oh and I wanted to remind all of you that I am also updating my other blog on a weekly basis...just in case you can't get enough of me here, heh....

Good night!


Anonymous said...

It's about time you fell in love with all that is Joss Whedon. I assume you've watched the complete Firefly series by now?

I've been a hardcore Buffy/Angel/Firefly fan for YEARS, and I think Firefly takes the cake, hands down. Best sci-fi, ever. The irony in this is that there are no aliens in it. It's a show about what could definitely someday be a futuristic human race.

I've been plugging this movie (and the RENT movie that will come out in November) nonstop, especially in my blog. Blogging is a wonderful way of spreading a message to the masses!

Oh, and there are a few other sites you can check out to keep up with the Firefly/Serenity news...

http://www.whedonesque.com (my person favorite)

Since you are a fan, you can consider yourself a legit 'browncoat', which is what Firefly fans call themselves. Welcome to the group!

Oh, and be sure to see the movie on September 30th! But I think you have that part down.

Joss Whedon is my hero. I'm so thrilled that you have discovered him!

Do the job. Get paid. Keep flyin'!

Your cousin,

DGH said...

oh yeah the show is flat out amazing and I can't wait for the movie! Thanks for the links.