Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The one with the pictures of Jay's last days and funeral

Well, here is a huge post and Tiffany an d I had a good cry the other night because I saw a picture of Jay and I thought to myself..."I miss him...because I was not done playing with him yet"...Tiffany held me and It just made me miss Jay a bunch and so we decided to look at al the pictures we took at the trip to Lexington first and then checked out a few photos from the transplant and the last few I have of Jay and then of course the funeral...it sure did help and I have wanted to put these up here for a long time...so sorry about the order...but here is the trip to go see Jay....

This is John Choi we stopped in Cinci to say hi to him and he is just amazing! We love you greatly John...and We are praying for your marriage this June to be a wonderful time in your life!!!!

Here are the youth in Lexington that we visited one morning...They are all two years older than what we remember them...but all of them are still sexy and wonderful!!!! It was great to see everyone before we headed up to see Jay.....

This was the first day we were with Jay when we arrived...he was at the end of his radiation and Chemo treatments...very sick and tired...but ready for the stem cell transplant.....

This was the next day and right before the stem cell transplant....

This is me getting the stem cell transplant...we were trying to show everyone how stinking big the needle was...and the picture does not seem do it justice, heh!!!!!

Here are the nurses (and wife) that took care of me the entire time it was happening...they had a few hick-ups but once they got them figured out then it was all good to go and 4 hours later.....

they bagged my stem cells...they were right about the procedure being a little bit of a let down because your there for 4 hrs. and yet the bag is so small....but they were the instrument that was going to be a good chance of healing my brother...and so we treated them very precious and even prayed of them with the nurses before they took them off to be "fixed" to go into Jay....

Well as you all know Jay's body just could not handle the Radiation and Chemo...and right after the stem cell transplant his body started shutting down and he passed away before the stem cells could go to work.... Here is me after we went back to the grave site after the dinner the church fed every guest at the funeral...oh man they are so nice.....

I miss him....

closer picture...

Here is all of Jay's "helpers"...

Here is the casket before being lowered.... Yah I know this is not interesting...but I wanted to give yall a chance to be there with us.....

Here is the view driving into the cemetery!!! Check out the huge shrubbery cross in the front of the burial mound...you can't get more Celtic than this, heh!!!! (I loved this place!!!)

Here is the church that Jay and Sheila got married, and Jay's funeral service was held...once again amazingly Celtic and English! By far the coolest church I have seen (in America)

Here is the younger crew right after the funeral service.... Christy, Kevin (cousin and husband) me and Tiffany (even if Tiffany has lost her mouth in this picture) and of course Sheila too! great photo.....

that night we all played D&D (becase that is what Jay wanted) and we all had a blast!!! It was one of the best short D&D campaigns I have ever played.... (thanks Rob)

Then in the week following we all got hooked on UNO Attack!!! Great fun and crazy game...and here is me with Jay's cat in my lap.....

Here is my aunt winning at this game of UNO attack and a friend of Jay and Sheila's friend..... we had fun as you can see....

Lots of fun as you can see... ha ha ha.


Well, the only other thing i wanted to bring to yall's attention is the new Crest Whitening Vanilla Mint tooth paste!!! This stuff rocks....I love brushing my teeth with this stuff!!! I hope i don't destroy my gums, heh....

Oh and for all you Cranium fans out there I saw this and just knew that I had to have one..are you as crazy as me? heh...

OK...well, that is a long post and I appologize for all the dial-up people trying to DL all those photos, heh....well, I am tired and need to go to bed...but before I do I want you all to know...I love ya...and please KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Hello


DGH said...

No problem...thank you for seeing them and posting!!!!

Actually Sheila send a card with a CD of about 575 pictures!!! They were all of Jay and all wonderful...I hope that she can somehow put them all up on the website some how for all of us to see them when ever we want to...there are some really good ones in there. ;)

Thanks again! God bless ya!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures DG! Your right, the burial mound and church look so celtic and its just amazing. Glad your doing well and again, great post! (Hey go check out mine for a good picture of Timothy!)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just wanted to thank you for the photo of the Cranium hat which made me laugh after I hac cried through the funeral photos. You Rock.!!

John said...

hey dude
thanks for the pics...can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
If you like the vanilla crest, you gotta try the orange one - tastes like orange creamsicle.

DGH said...

Thanks John..can't wait to see you too!

tiffinita said...

i love you boy and Jay, up there, i love you too bro! Oh, and I know that you would have let me 'smote' everyone in D & D...you'll have to take that up with Rob someday! ha ha