Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The one about big Jay update...cool keyboard...and new Strong Bad....

Here is the latest on Jay from Sheila:

Jan 31st evening:

Jay is still at home but still can't talk. His voice doesn't seem to want to clear up. His fever is gone but he is still on the IV antibiotics at home. He is also taking his Lovenox injections nightly anytime his platelet-count it above 50,000. He has been stabilized in the 60,000's for the past week without transfusions. He is extremely tired and weak. We took him to the Doctor today and he said the steroids are making him weak. I have to take him to the eye Doctor tomorrow to find out if they can figure out why he still has double vision.

Oh, what a morning...
This morning I got up to take him to the Doctor. We had to leave by 7:30 to get there and I had to pack all of his stuff in the car in case they kept him at the hospital.
Once I got everything packed I found out my car battery was dead. I went to get Jay's car and I couldn't find his keys. I searched for over an hour and finally found the keys in the place I put them so that I wouldn't loose them. When I got out to the car which hasn't been driven since Dec and is more than 10 years old, I prayed that it would start. It started but then I found that it had 2 inches of ice all over the car.
So instead of scraping all of the ice and snow which was not going so well, I decided to jump my other car but once I got it positioned I realized the hood was frozen shut and I couldn't get it open.
Through all of this, I had to take Jay back in the house to wait because it was too cold for him to be in the car. I then moved all of the luggage from my car to his car and loaded him in.
I forgot the little fact of not have 4 wheel drive in Jay's Buick to get of the driveway I haven't shoveled in 2 months. It was an adventure that Brian Boitano would have been proud of but in a buick it was interesting to say the least. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I did manage to call the Doctor's office and tell them we were going to be late.

We arrived at 10:45 for a 9:00 appointment and (God has a way on making things workout in the end) we found his Doctor had just arrived. He was late too. So actually we were just on time.
It took us a while to finish up and then I picked up Mexican food (he finally got his guacomole) and doughnuts for Jay (Those steroids have REALLY helped his appetite, I know I've got a few pounds that are steroid induced).

When we got home I hung his antibiotic and did some phone calls to clear up medical appointments and orders.

Tonight, I'm doing work and he's watching James Bond and CSI between naps. It's nice to see him rest.

Update on me...
My mom is coming to stay with him on Wednesday so that I can go to work. I'm trying to do one day a week in the office as long as he's not in the hospital. I have my first infusion on Feb 9th of that new MS drug and I was lucky my insurance covered on the first request. I'm officially released from my 1 and ¼ weekly needle and loosing one weekend day to sickness. That made me VERY happy.

Take care everyone,


I talked to Jay and Sheila today and it was a good talk! Jay was doing good..or as he put it "Same old same old"....and then we had a good talk about snow, my dog, and praying for each other...good times!


Well it has been a few weeks since we got a new SB email and I thought I would make sure you all knew there was a new one:



Well today was a very full day for me.....I first took my dog Halo to get put under and they checked and cleaned out his left ear....apparently it was clogged completely with ear wax from a certain point al the way to his ear drum! They cleaned it all up and found nothing, but we have changed his dog food from something bought at the store to Fish and Potatoes food! (the Vet thinks the yeast ear wax is probably cause by a food allerrgy (sp?) and most of the time it is the protein in the food that he might be allergic too...so instead of chicken/pork/beef (commonly found protien in most store bought dog foods) Halo is now chomping on fish and chips.... he seems to like it great....and then always proceeds to lick me all over my forehead and you can just imagine fish and chips dog breath on your forehead! yeah....not the most pleasant thing on earth!....but hey who cares when a creature loves you this much, heh.

Halo is still not good-ol-Halo yet still coming out of the drugging of him...he sleeps a lot and one thing kind of disturbing is that he is sleeping with one of his eyes open now..... We are hoping that it is because of the Vet visit today....but I guess I might sleep with one eye open too if I thought that people might put me under again, heh heh...(Jay I bet you have never felt like that before? ha ha ha)

After the dog, Tiffany and I went for her to get a blood test to find out we are not pregnant (this is getting annoying...but we are find and hanging in there, please KUTPs!)

Then it was off to meet with my weekly pastor accountability group and we discussed my sermon on Sunday (The Problem of Evil...be looking for it right here same D-time same D-channel (instead of bat it is D short for D.G. <----the proceeding note is for those invidiculas who do not understand my humor and need explination which then takes away any hint of humor in the end...thanks to all of you out there, heh) it is going to be a doosy...especially since we are having communion that day too.....kind of wired since the communion sermons have less time because of communion.....and I am supposed to tackle the problem of Evil....you know that tiny subject that no one really cares about (insert VERY sarcastic voice here) heh...but it should be good and I am being challenged in writing it.....(as always and so I know it will have a piece of me in it somewhere) (Soul preaching Dr. Kalas....Soul Preaching) Then I left to go take care of my wife who was in bed sick......and fed her lunch and right after that the Vet called to say Halo was ready for pickup (it is 2:00 pm now) and after getting Halo and listening to a VERY detailed description of what was done to Halo..I took him back home only to remember that Halo had to be watched for 1-2 hrs after the drugs to make sure he was not vomiting) I thought to myself well this will be Ok and I can finally get to work, because Tiffany is home sick and she can watch/sleep beside him......well great news from Tiffany when I got back she got a Dr. appt. for 4:00 pm so I was left staying home watching a dog and working on a sermon from home.....(I bet people at work think I am never there...oh well I serve God 1st and foremost and I know if I am slacking and I know that today I was serving God the entire day, heh....Well Tiffany got back...(she is fine by-the-way probably a flu that they could do nothing for)...but Tiffany is still very tired and not feeling 100%) Then I helped Tiffany cook or dinner (it was so great Tiffany thank you thank you thank you!!!!) and we enjoyed EveryBody Loves Raymond (you better watching as much as you can of this one they are on thier last season!!!), Two and a Half Men (great theme song), and Medium (really good one tonight)...all in HD I might add, heh)

And now I find myself here typing on a computer for too long while I should be in bed with my wife....and that sounds so good to me right now that I am going to go right now......

..........................well, let me finish the blog post and then go............:)

Well here is a cool Bluetooth vitrtual keyboard if I ever seen one before (insert country hick accent here)

iTECH Keyboard


OK, I thought it was cool enough to put it on the blog, and now I am done yall have a wonderful night/day and God bless!

Oh and please please please.....KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see a new and LONG blog!!! (and the new SB email was awesome!!) Hope everyone continues to improve and I love you!!!!! (I'm the most heterosexual christian way possible :-)

Anonymous said...

DEar D.g., I loved the comment about Halo sleeping with one eye open!!! and then the comment--Jay, did you ever feel that wa (someone about to poke you). Love you, Mom

DGH said...
