Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The one about Jay still being in ICU

Yeah that is right Jay is still in ICU tonight. He is having probalems breathing as would be expected since they just went into his lungs and toyed around a little. but my mother said he was doing OK, and the Dr.s just want to keep him in there to keep an eye on him.

I am still flying out tommorrow out of Lubbock and go with my parents to see him. I hope that our presence will be something to lift his spirits. I am sure they are fine, but I am a little worried about him, heh.

Thank you again for al your preayers and I will try to keep you all posted as to what is going on...when ever I can get my hands on a computer. Thanks to my parents and my Aunt (I love you all three soooo much.....I will be able to make the flight up there along with my wife!!!!

My mother did say that he started the chemo again...but gave no other info at that is the best i can give for now. Thank you for your time and prayers! but.......


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