Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Well...long time...no blog.....

Well, it is just that time of the year again, and I have been crazy busy. With preach last Wednesday evening and yesterday, traveling between those days to Tiffany's family and enjoy some good old smoked turkey (mmmmm mmmmm good), and to top it all off, I had my birthday on the 20th, and Tiffany';s is tomorrow, and we decorated the house for Christmas tonight for a young couple's fellowship white Elephant Gift Exchange for Friday! Yeah it has been crazy and I have a feeling that it will continue to be this way for a while. Well, I have a long post for you all and maybe just maybe I can make up for all the days that you were crying in the corner for not hearing from me, heh. These will be in no particular order so you might have to search for something if your looking for it, heh.


1st off is a letter from the one the only Jay Hollums thanking you all for your prayers and support through his Cancer over the last few months:

Now just to give you an idea how far Jay has come, here is a picture of when I went to see him close to the first of all this Cancer stuff he was going through:

Now this one is one of Jay now. Notice the man wiping his mouth sticking out of Jay's ear, heh):

Thank You from Jay Hollums

First, and foremost, I want to say thank you to all of the people that are reading this! I know if you are reading this you have at least at some point worried or been concerned about me. And I want you all to understand the glorious impact that your prayers have had on me and those around me.
When you first find out that you have cancer, it is very hard to believe. You just say to yourself that it is not possible. And you just wait patiently for the doctors to come back with a different reason that you are not feeling perfect. However, once it sinks in you just sit there and try to understand. I think I handled the diagnosis very well, but I had no idea what I was in for when it came to the cure. Chemotherapy is amazingly tough. For me I think it was tougher than the cancer. I just kept telling myself that my God has a purpose for everything, even if I don’t understand it. I proceeded to ask for prayers and blessings from all the people I know and the church that I love. I know that many people prayed for my health, and I will take all the prayers that people are willing to make on my behalf, but I will tell you this; I have never seen prayer work as effectively as it did this time. Not necessarily as a cure for my cancer (it is in remission and undetectable right now), but as an impact on my friends and family and myself. I have never felt so much love all the time coming from every where. Your prayers comforted me, my wife, and my family. They allowed me to feel wrapped in love and that is an AMAZING feeling. I have always said that the greatest miracle that God can do is not to move a mountain, but to change a heart. I have no doubt that through your prayers for me and my illness; MANY hearts were changed forever. If you ever wonder why people are allowed to ever get sick, then just realize the changed hearts of the people that form due to experiencing an illness or even a death are a great miracle. Sometimes, the only way to change a heart is through observation of another’s illness or death. I truly hope that your spiritual life has grown in some way as you followed my struggles.
I continue to pray for all of you in return, even if I don’t know all the names of the people that prayed for me. May God bless you all for your concern, prayers, and, more to the point, your deep abiding love. Keep praying as we all need miracles. Thank you once again, your prayers and Christ’s love hold me together day by day as this ordeal finishes up with the final testing and follow up treatments. I believe it is by the grace of God and your wonderful prayers that I am where I am today.

Your brother in Christ,

Jay Hollums
Cancer Survivor, full remission 2 months.

Here is another on of Jay and his cat looking good my brother...looking good:


Well, I have preached twice since I posted my last sermon, so here are both of the sermons: (wait to secs for me to convert them to Adobe Acrobat....Ok done) (Don't forget you have to have Adobe Reader to read the sermons. Thanks.)

We're Expecting (Given last Sunday (11/28/04)

My Thanksgiving Day (Given Wednesday 11/17/04) The date on the doc. is wrong....sorry)


Well, I have been playing a lot of Halo 2 (actually not very much due to all the stuff I have been doing, but I play one or two games every other day). One of the guys in our Clan (named The Burninators after Trogdor from Homestar Runner fame) created a desktop for all of us with a Halo 2 Trogdor theme and I thought it was so amazing (that he did at work when the "got bored") that I had to show it here. I have shrunk it smaller just so it would fit, heh.

(Thanks La Pistola, you are da man!)

BTW: If you have Halo 2 and XBlive then please send me a message and I would love to play sometime with you!)


Well, let's see what else I need to post........

Well, I have seen the largest snow fall (in the town of where I am living) I have ever been a part of last week! We had by my official measurements 10 inches in one snow fall! I was freaking out so much that I had to take photos and here are two shots of it. It does not look as good as it really was, of course, but it was really neat...except for the fact that it melted down to 3 inches by the next afternoon :( Oh well, it was lots of fun, and my back yard faces the north and did not melt as much, and then we got about another 3 inches, so it is still great looking.


Well, as I said before tomorrow (I guess it is today now) is Tiffany's Birthday, and I thought I would show you the presents I wrapped for her tonight. Good gifts if I do say so myself....small but good, heh.

Happy 30th Birthday Tiffany!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are and will always be the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!! (and don't you forget it, heh)anyone who would like to email her a message of love or give her a hard time for living another century her email address is: tiffanyhollums@hotmail.com)


Also, I took some photos of our house that we decorated for X-mas and I thought you might like to see what the Hollums' house looks like with the Christmas theme, so here are a few pics:

(general shot of the living room)

(Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas Tree)

(sorry so blurry, but you can kind of see how the Firelitos/luminarios look, and almost make out the Christmas tree in the window)

(just had to show you the Grinch lamp in our kitchen)

Of course, Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus are all over our house, and it is currently 6 Degrees outside that I went out into to take the outside pic, heh. yeah I am crazy, but it was a great time that still had snow and the lights, heh.


Well, someone remind me some time about my theory about great songs, and their one similarity that I think it common and I personally love it...but I have to save something for another post sometime...besides it might take you about 109 mins to read this one, heh.

Well, Cody it was great seeing you and the Fam, and I am very tired now so I must go to bed...I have a big day today loving the socks off of Tiffany for her Birthday! Yall have a wonderful week..oh and please KUTP for Jay, and Tiffany and I! Tiffany and I are going for our first appt. to the infertility specialist in Albq on Wednesday morning. Your prayers are powerful....you and God proved that for Jay, so I thought I would ask for your prayers on this topic and see what happens.


Oh, yeah, for my birthday and Christmas I am building my first computer from scratch, and I just got my case, and a few other things in and I am looking forward to my motherboard to come in the 1st or 2nd week of December, so be looking for that post too. OK, well yall take care and please please know, your loved by me and by God! May you all experience love and grace flowing from the arms Jesus has wrapped around you!!!


Anonymous said...

It was great to see y'all too. Happy Birthday to you and the Mrs. Tell Tiffo that getting old happens to the best of us, and her too.

Anonymous said...

Love the gorgeous pictures. The snow is unbelievable. Love you, Mom

DGH said...

Thank you Momma, and I sure will tell her Cody, heh.

Anonymous said...

D.G., Your sermons were both so moving. You are blessed with God's spirit and messages. Just keep working at being the wonderful minister God has meant you to be!!! I am sure that God is just as proud of you as we are--probably more. Please check your e-mail for more detail of my comments on sermons. Thanks so much for sharing these with us. Love, Mom