Friday, August 13, 2004

Seems forever, and my Restaurant....

It seems like forever to actually get caught up with all my work when I come back from being gone for so long, but I am slowly get back into the grove of things, heh.

I am trying to get settled back in so I can then be able to go back over all my classes from the congragational development school and then pray over them to see what and how I am to use them.

Well, I am not sure if I have told you this yet or not, but many of you know I love to cook. (I like to eat as well, something I need to work on) Well, I have come up with a great name of a restaurant! Now, the eating establishment will serve a little bit of everything kind of like a more upscale Chili's, but it's name would be, "I Don't Care, Whatever, You Decide" Now at first your thinking, "DG your crazy that name is way too long...leave it to DG to come up with a brilliant idea and have it bee too long..dumb dumb head!" But think about it.....What always happens when you go to eat with someone? Someone asks the question, "So, where do you want to go eat?" and the answer 90% of the time is, "I don't care", or, "Whatever", or even, "You Decide"! Now everyone of those people know where you want to go and can take you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, I know it is quirky, but still a lot of fun, heh!!!!

OK, now if any of you cooks out there want to use my idea then I better get a cut of the company profits, and if not at least some free food out of the deal, heh.

Well, it is 2:00 am in the morning and I have the District picnic at Hyde Park tomorrow afternoon so I better get some rest.

Sorry my posts have been all over the place. I flew in from Dayton (BTW never fly the plane from Dayton to Dallas, man that landing was a rough one, three people Called out to the LORD during the Lading! And there was an immediate praise and worship service after the front tires landed on the ground, ha ha ha)where was I?...oh yeah, I flew in from Dayton to have my mother pick me up at the ABQ airport to drive straight to my church for a very important meeting and my mother and father just left today to go back to my home town of Floydada. So I hope to be better about it from now on.

I will try to put up some of my favorite quotes from my favorite book (right now at least, heh) that I am reading right now and maybe I can generate some discussion around it! In the mean time, Love ya!

Jay Update:

Well, I talked to Jay this morning and he was driving to the Hospital to see the Dr. and if the Dr. thinks that he can handle the chemo then he will be admitted for the last round of intensive chemo. Jay sounded very good, and he believed that the Dr. would admit him and start it all over again for the last time. PLEASE be in prayer for Jay, he is getting VERY tired of all of this and is not looking forward to all this all over again for the third time. So, please this time is just as important for pray and when he first went in. Thank you, Love you, and God bless ya! KUTP!!!!!!

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