Sunday, July 11, 2004


Well, I worked long and hard on a post on Friday and then I did not save the post and came back to it later on in the day and spent even more time on it, and then tried to post it only to find out that my session timed out and I lost the entire post.... Needless to say I was not a happy camper. Well, it took me this long to calm down enough to come back and post, heh.

What I was going to talk about was the program called Weather Bug This program puts the temperature in your systems tray (lower right hand corner for those non-geek people, ha ha) Well, this program will make a cricket type noise as soon as the National weather service has issued any form or weather watch or warning for your county. (A huge benefit for those of you who live in West Texas) Well, it works much better when you have a DSL, Cable modem, or wireless internet, (it will also work if you have dial-up, but it will only show the temp, ect, when you are online/conected to the internet. It even has your forecast, radar, etc... Highly suggested for all you weather lovers like me.

Well, I was also going to tell you the channels other than local channels that I love to watch on the telli:

HD Net
HD Net movies (same link)
Discovery HD
G4 Tech TV
Food Network (this site even lets you pick your fav recipes and then store them for free on their website...never use a cookbook again...well only to a certain extent)
And of course the regulars but I really do love the HD over the air that these provide...except NBC out of this station better get the HD in gear....especially for this years Olympics! They really have disappointed me. But here are those, CBS, ABC, NBC.

So ther eyou have it, if you walk in on my watching TV then you can now guess what I will be watching. (I am sure you all care so much, heh)

Well now its time for (drum roll please).........The famous Jay Update!!!!

I talked to Jay Yesterday and he was feeling better but the day before he was feeling the effects of the chemo, and said that he would never wish chemo upon anyone, but today he went back the hospital for the Rituxan IV chemo and tonight he was talking quite a bit even though he said he was tired, so that is very good news. He seems to be doing very well considering how much chemo they are shoving into his body, so we all thank you all for your prayers and hope that you are blessed by giving to Jay as much as he and our family have been blessed by your prayers and support! Thank you!

Oh I forgot to tell you all that I went to Albq. today and I went to a grocery store that I fell in love with!!! (I am my father's son I guess) The market was called Talin World Market. This place has every kind of world food that you can think of. I got the real Japanese Kewpie Mayo, and all the fixn's for sushi and Chicken/lamb Tikka Masala!!! Oh man I can wait to make my own food, and save a ton of money on my car insurance....uuuuhhhhh I meant save a ton of money on eating out. Ha Ha.

So now none of you have any excuse you now all have to come to my house and eat Indian or Japanese food, heh!

Ok, well all of you have a wonderful night and wonderful Sunday!!! God bless you all...and remember...prayers, prayers, prayers...please :)


Anonymous said...

WeatherBug owns.

DGH said...

What? own's what? money. a program? ha ha...I just could not resist, heh.