Thursday, June 03, 2004

Good day..but tired

Well the first day of Annual conference went well. I got to see lots of friends that I have not seen since the last Annual conference, and even had a few surprizes! (Hi Tood...I saw your mom today and I gave her my business card and hope you came to check this blog out)

Well, the usually opening ceremony occurred with the Bishop giving the "state of the union (in our case conference)address" and he said that the goal for this coming year is that every church have at least one profession of faith (people coming to know Christ for the first time and not just transferring their membership from another church) a 2% increase in membership each year of the next 5 years, the church's people to actually tithe (10% of income goes to the church), and for the entire conference to be lead by the Holy Spirit.

Talk about basic things!!! That is just embarrassing that these would even have to be mentioned as goals when they in reality are to be just expected in every church. But sadly the church as a whole is declining. This is very sad, but not accepted by me and I will not accept anything less that pure excellence in Jesus Christ from all members of any church that I serve. So, if you ever get me as a Pastor you better be ready to either kick me out of jump on board with the direction God is taking His church. OK enough of the pastor coach pep talk, heh

Well, I have decided that I am going to save money on church wear. As most of you church going people know, most pastor wear a robe of some kind and then on those robes they wear a stole. A good history and meaning behind the clothing worn by clergy is here. Well, in the UM church I am not supposed to wear a stole until I am ordained a full Elder (because right now I am a probationary Elder) and then when I am a full elder I have the right to wear a stole to show that I am a fully ordained Elder in full connection) (church lingo for you can do all the pastor stuff in any church not just your local church you are appointed to)

Well, I have always believed that this wall between clergy and laity (preachers and church members) should not have been built up. It is my belief that I am constantly working myself out of a job, because the church needs to be the church and not expecting the pastor to be the church for them. The Holy Spirit that I have in me as a Pastor is the same Holy Spirit that is in you (if you have accepted Christ) and is the same Holy Spirit that was in Jesus. What makes anyone think that I as a pastor am any different than them. Yes, God has given us all gifts some, preachers, some teachers, etc.. But every church has those people and they are all as important as the rest. So I am constantly trying to find a way to show by servant leadership that the church must be the church and not keep holding the hand of the pastor. One way I thought was to wear an alb (see the second link for robe above) because it looks more like something a servant would wear and more like something most people think of monks wearing. I thought this would be a good symbol of showing that I am trying to humble myself to the work of God and that the congregation can and should join me in following God. But then I got to thinking.... Hey I don't have to go buy an alb, and I don't even have to go buy and wear stoles...

A perfect way to symbolize the servanthood of Christ was to represent the Christ that washed his disciples feet would be to wear a towel around my neck on my robe. I know it would look stupid and people would ask if I just hot out of the shower that morning or if I showered with my robe one, but just like taking my Id picture the way I did it would allow me an opportunity to share the meaning behind it and hopefully better educate the church and visitors to be servants in Christ serving Him and others in all that we do. So, 2 years from now you visit me and I am wearing a towel you will know what I am symbolizing and attempting to do with my new stole. Also I can get all kinds of towels, red for Pentecost, white for weddings or Easter or Christmas Day, purpose, blue, green etc.. For all occations, and it will be cheap!!! Oh yeah I am getting excited now.

Well I will not even get into my thought of the contextual class I had to take as a probation member of the conference. It is a class to show and educate all the new pastors of the multi-cultural diversity that is found in New Mexico (for example, 300 different Indian Nations, Spanish, Mexican, Cuban, Philapino (sp?), white, oil people, Asian, African American, military, etc....) They discussed them all and then talked about how to best ministry to each culture. I learned a lot, but I was a little confused about the Native American mistrust among the Anglo. I mean sure the white settlers totally screwed them all over a while back, but in all honesty I never did that to them, I don't even know what was done to them, but they expect me to apologize for what my rude selfish ancestors did to them. Hey, I have no problem saying that I am sorry for what they they did, I totally agree that it was wrong, but why do you have to be mad at ME? Especially when we all claim that Jesus Christ is our focus and center of our lives. A life that is based on forgiveness and healing, love and grace, but you still want me to apologize for something I personally did not do.

Well, as you can see I have a few issues. This does not at all mean I am saying I do not like or love Native Americans, it is just the opposite, I love them so much as Christians, and especially as non-Christians, but I have always believed the key to helping non-Christians to see and realize their creator God loves them and desires a relationship with them to to first develop a relationship with them first and show them what a healthy loving grace filled forgiveness filled relationship looks like and then help them over time by loving them to develop their own relationship with God. This is true of Native Americans, Mexican, Spanish, Asian, Rich, Poor, Male, Female, human or space alien.

It is all about relationship and we as Christians must be willing to drop our protective and safe bubles we live in and love the unloved even if it means years and years of frustrating patience. So, I say bring it on angry Native Americans, I will love your socks off and help you and me to allow God to work in us and through us so we can do the will of God. Off for now and see you tomorrow night! Love yall!


Anonymous said...

Hey DG don't forget to love all the space aliens too.

Anonymous said...

Men you talk a lot Deeg! :^D


DGH said...

This blog is liberating, it is almost theariputic, heh. Sorry about the talking, but heck it is a good clean way to watse your time, hah.

As far as God or god. I intend to use God as the one and only Trinity God found in the Bible, and if I use the lower case god then I might be talkina about not the one trure God, but maybe something you are making god like money or stuff, or if I am talking about someone else's belief of God, but in reality it is not THe God found in the Bible and therefore would not be THE God, but just a god.

Now with all that said... I do have plenty of typoes all the time so that might very well be the case in my typing. please forgive my spelling and typoes.