Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday Night Live with Th3 Waters......

Well, yesterday was awesome once again! During both Services Tiffany and I sang a duet ("The Valley Song" by Jars of Clay), and then Th3 Waters met up and served our King and The Kingdom by going downtown and feeding and getting to know the homeless and low income families of Covington. I took pictures and here are a few of them. Do me a favor and look into their eyes, there is something special in there...almost like caring for Jesus. It is such an amazing opportunity!

Homeless Friend

Religious friend B&W

Jo Jo and His Woman

God bless yall and please KUTPs.....

For the entire set of photos go over to My Flickr. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Were they really friendly to you? They all seem clean. Did many thank you? It was sweet of you all to go. Love, Mom

DGH said...

Of course they were friendly! They are no different than you or me, except we have homes to sleep in at night. Every single one of them thanked me. They are all very sweet. Sure you get a few that are angry, upset, tired, frustrated, etc... but that is the life they live and we are called as Kingdom representatives to help them taste the Kingdom, more in friendship than only in food. It was a passion to go and serve Christ!