Monday, October 30, 2006

Some random stuff....

Me and my Nanaw!

A Christmas ago...with my Nanaw!

Well, my Nanaw is still not where we would love for her to be, but she seems to be recovering still. The congestive heart failure seems to be forcing Nanaw on a roller coaster ride. one day she is doing good, following the physical therapists directions and eating a little bit here and there, and the next day she is stubborn not doing anything or eating anything.... she has been taken off the O2 tent, and is now only on the nose O2 tube...she might still need the tent when she sleeps, but they are playing it by ear right now... Thank you all for your prayers and please KUTPs!!!


Anyone want to see how good my Mom is as painting... well here is one of the best ones I have ever seen from her....

yep told ya... Love you Momma!


and now for a little typical D.G.... John Choi caught me being me.... Great picture John...and great face Kim!!!

More for later...but yall have a great week!


Tarobot said...

So I sat here reading DG's blog. Catching up on the latest happenings in my friend's life. Then, I spotted a beautiful photo at the bottom of his post. The lighting was great, the composition interesting, the candy corn up the nose. Now I've laughed so hard, coffee is coming out of my nose.

Anonymous said...

I was touched by the sweet pictures of nana. It is quite a hard time for her now. Keep praying. Thanks for showing my painting and I am so very glad you like it. I miss your being your silly self. Hope meeting is an answer to lots of prayers. Love, Mom