Saturday, September 30, 2006

Your invited this Monday....

Over the last several months a small group of pastors, leaders, and dreamers have been getting together and talking. Blah, blah, blah… we'’ve been talking about culture, spirituality, faith, leadership, theology, the Kingdom, and the church and wed like to invite you to join the conversation.

On Monday, Oct. 2nd, from 4:00-5:30 PM, we're getting together with folk from around Greater Cincinnati to talk. We'’ll meet at Cincinnati Christian University (details on what room are forthcoming, they have been gracious to open up their campus for us to meet). There is no agenda for our conversation. When we gather those present can toss out topics for discussion, we'’ll pick whatever sounds most interesting to the group and discuss. Generally, our desire is to see what God is up to in the city at large. Where is the Kingdom breaking in? How is the church, leadership, faith, spirituality changing in our rapidly shifting culture?

Feel free to spread the word to others who you think would be interested. Personally, I hope very much that we can create room at the table for folks from all sorts of ecclesiastical and theological bents and persuasions… the more the merrier…. Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Catholics, and non-denominational mutts – all welcomed.

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