Saturday, September 30, 2006

Jay's old camera died...and these are the last pctures form it...

Well, yall are not going to be getting too many pictures on the blog for a while until I can get a new camera. I turned the camera on this afternoon to take a few shots of a realy cool cloud formaton as I drove this afternoon, and well, the last three pictures are what we got...and I decided from teh last one that the camera is dead.

I normally would get sad of this...because this is the first small pocket camera that Jay used to take pictures (mainly of himself, heh heh... ask to see the Jay photo poster in our house sometime)...and as you can see I used it very often on this blog...but I guess al things must go home to rest or just quit working every now and then... so until someday I can get a new camera that fits into my pocket yall will be without pictures of my life... but you know...... I love that last pic! It is VERY cool looking! It looks like a really well made background to a power point slide, ha ha... anyway...Jay's old Casio Exlim 2 Mega Pixel EX-S2 camera (that he replaced himself and got a better one anyway).... R.I.P.! You know now that I think about really will be missed.

Love yall! Take care and KUTPs!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the blog camera pictures. Especially cute are the animals ones. Of course, your mom would say that.