Here comes a long one... Well, here is a snow (almost covered) tree in our front yard...and yep I think this was our last snow fall of the year. I wanted to put it up so I could remember it ad hope that the memory lasts until the next one @ the end of the year. I must tell yall that I was disappointed with the amount of snow fall that we got up here. I was really wanting a lot more and so far Santa Fe was a lot better for snow. But I will hold my judgment for a future time after I have spent more time up here, heh.... I do love snow and this one even though it was not heavy was a very pretty one......

I thought this one was funny...either our window blinds have grown a tail or our cat Sushi is looking out the window, heh....oh man this really cracks me up.....

Tiffany and I about a week or two ago went to eat at a Mexican Restaurant with some friends, and Carlos the music guy let us take our picture with him! He was great and it was a very fun time had by all. We are also hoping that these finds might be able to come and join our OG with us sometime. (If yall are ever reading this...please know the invite is still open and just let us know when to pick you up on a Friday night......

About two weeks ago Tiffany and I had the 1st Start Dev. Team over to eat and here are the cutest twins you might ever meet! We had so much fun with everyone!.....

Even thought the snow might be gone...the nice thing is that this is our first flower of he season in our front yard! It came out of no where...and I hope that Tiffany and I can be better about our gardening and landscaping this Spring.... I need to go and get my herb supplies and start growing them soon! But this flower is very sweet...sorry for the blur....I was trying to take the shot while walking my dog with a old camera that can not do close-ups......

About two weeks ago (see a recurring theme here...I wonder how long it has been since I looked at the photos on my computer to post for the blog? heh) we had over the sweet couple that bought the silent auction for a romantic dinner for two and a movie @ the church! And here is the set-up that we did. We moved all of our furniture (except for the couch) out of the living room and served them in there a WONDERFUL meal! and Dang I must say it was VERY good!.... but it looks romantic right? There were candle all over the room and the lights were not on..but I had to turn them on for the picture!.....

Here is Papa Eddie (my father-in-law) wearing an Alien hat from Roswell, NM that he bought for Tiffany and I when we showed up to our interviews in NM. This was actually the first thing we saw when we came off the plane...so that sure was fun and a great greeting!.....

And here is John yesterday at our Pastor meeting for The Waters. It is amazing what we do together with napkins and red markers, heh heh..... Oh and I forgot to tell you......

While we were meeting the chef approached us..(because everyone knows us on Friday mornings) and asked if he could buy our breakfast and lunch, if we would allow a magazine to take our picture for an article about the best places to eat @ in Cinci for brunch! So, heaven yeah we would...and so Tiffany ordered the quiche (that they wanted to spotlight), I ordered a bowl of soup, and John a breakfast crossiant. Then we just had fun as normal and a guy circled us and took our pictures...mostly of the food, of course, but it was still fun! and who knows...maybe we can buy the magazine (in April)and tell everyone that that picture of the quiche was in front of Tiffany and John and I were there! heh heh....still it is not everyday that you are asked to be a model to compliment the food for a magazine! ha ha ha.... This picture is John cleaning up the cream that he spilled all over the table after we ate! heh heh... I really can't wait to see which photo out of the 150 that the guy took will make it into the mag. Still very cool though!
Well, my leg is feeling much better and I think that it is healing up...but every now and then it is very painful!.... I have stopped taking the pain pills, because I could not tell if they were working or not...so I just stopped them...and I got my MRI done Thursday and they will not know anything about my hamstring until Monday...so I hope it is just sprained and maybe a week of physical therapy will get me back up and running three times a week.
Not much else to say other than sorry for the long time between posts...with my leg and work it was hard to do one..but I will try to be better! (like I have never said that before, heh)
Well, yall have a wonderful week and weekend...and please never forget to KUTPs!!!!
I loved this post. Be sure to tell us what magazine in April it will be in--or better yet--just take a photo of the magazine and e-mail it to us!! The twins were certainly precious!! I know the dinner must have been great. Yes, it does look very romantic. Wish I were next!!
The tail of the cat was sure cute out from the blinds. I also thought your father-in-law was certainly appropriately attired in his hat for a greeting from New Mexico. The tiny blue croccus was sure pretty. I am wishing for spring, too, but first rain here in West Texas
Hey DG!
I haven't talked to you in forever. If it makes you feel any better we got like .12 inches of snow all winter. It was really sad they never opened more than like three runs on the mountain and we didn't get a single cancelation or late start all year. It was really pretty depressing. Well i just wanted to say hi. I'll talk to you later i hope!
Dude we miss you so much and it does make me feel better...but bad for yall....take care and please call us we woul LOVE to talk...send me an email and I will send you our numbers! Thanks man!
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