Saturday, March 26, 2005

The one about travel....

Well, we made the flights to NM, but we are so tired that we cannot see straight. We just got in and ate and now we are going to sleep....considering we had to wake up 1:00 am Mountian Time to get ready and go to the airport then spend all morning long on planes and then lastly drive the almost 6 hour drive from El Paso to Lovington.... we are going to bed in the hopes that we can make it on time to the Easter service here in Lovington and then drive home without falling asleep at the wheel. I have talked Tiffany into seeing that it is better for us to go to church tomorrow morning than for her to risk her life and car going to Connections tomorrrow evening. Besides we have been through a lot and I think it is best for us to be "right" and be effective in ministering that for us to be "off" and not do God or anyone any good because we are not fit physically for ministry.

Well, I am going to sleep and God bless you all! Yall take care and please KUTPs for all of the Hollums and Meason families! Yall take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see ya'll made it home alright. I hope God gives you guys an amazing night of rest and sleep and totally recharges you. Love ya!