Monday, March 14, 2005

The one about a long process but small battles being won....

Well, they found out that Jay had two infections (one in his blood and the other in his colon) Both are being taken care of and when we went to visit tonight he had no temperature!!!!!! His breathing is great, and his heart rate is just a little high, but within normal range for someone as young as he is. His feet and hands are swollen, but this is to be expected due to all the fluids they are giving him....they decided that there is no need for an EEG (to test if his brain waves are normal or not) and there was no need for a bronchial scope to check his lungs (they thought that they saw some liquid in his lungs...but the pulminary Dr.'s said it looked normal) they have also completely taken him off the blood pressure medicine and that is very good news...they also have stepped down his pain meds so he might be a little more responsive...but he really was not tonight for Sheila and me.

They are taking things very slowly, but he is in much better shape than when they put him in the ICU on Saturday!!!!

They still can not tell us when he will be taken off the respirator...and we are praying for his Stem Cell Transplant to still work OK. We also remember how bad he was in corporation with anyone the last time he came out of ICU. he was saying lots of not nice things, but still doing OK. He sure made his nurses frustrated, heh.

Well, that is about all....he is stabilizing very good through all of this...and I believe it is because of your thoughts and prayers and our praying with him each night before we leave his room. I know that he would love to tell each and every one of you how much he loves and thanks you all! Tank you and please KUTPs!!!!!!!

Good night!

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