Monday, June 28, 2004

I went to church today....

and man I love my brothers church building. You all should see this church building!! I wish I was thinking about it while I was there and I could have shown you some pics. Maybe Jay will have some in his computer and I can post them, but man this church is straight out of the middle ages. It has all stone work inside and out. Even the shingles are made of stone and the woodwork inside is amazing!!! And I have not even got to the Stainedglass windows!!!! WOW Oh WOW Weeee! (boy that was stupid, heh)

Well, after church we went to a Mexican Food Tacaria, and the food was OK, not the best in the world, but after we spent about 30 mins talking to the waiter we found out if we wanted the good food then we have to call ahead and tell them to fix non-Gringo food and they will. They even have Lengua Tacos and Homemade Chorizo!!!

Oh man, I wish we would have made friends before we went to eat there, heh. (Although I don't think that Sheila cared too much for the ingredients of either one, heh.

Well then we went back to the church because I forgot my wallet (typical of me...I think I have too much of my mother in me...and yes Jay and Sheila were quick to point that out, heh) The music Director went back to the church and found it and then we met her at her house to pick it up and she showed off her garden...and dang do I mean her GARDEN!!!! Dude if you can grow it she probably had it. She had several gardens on her property, and I really thought I was walking around Martha Stewart's Gardens or something.

She then feed us all of her different kinds of nuts that they grow and harvest and enter all of this stuff in County Fairs all over PA. Man I had Black Walnut, Hart Nut, Hazel Nut, Butter nut, etc... It was really cool, and I had no idea all those nuts had such a great flavor, wow it was amazing!

Then we went to Wal-Mart for Sheila's to pick up the ingredients for her famous Herb Chicken dinner she cooked for us tonight (oh man that was good!!!!) and while she went shopping Jay and I went to a GameStop and I found Crimson Skies used and he bought a used Halo (still can't believe he did not have Halo yet) used Crimson Skies so we could play over Xbox live and then he got another Xbox Live subscription so we could play each other and talk over the Xbox for free, and play game together. We then came home to cook and let Jay rest from the long day and then Sheila's parents came over and borought their dog with them!!! Man, I love dogs. They rock this planet and man they love you. I don't care what anyone says, and now that I am a cat and dog owner I can say this and mean it, "dogs are better, heh) I mean you could starve a dog for a week and come home and that dog will pee all over him/herself just so they can give you a kiss and love you and be loved by you......if you did that to a cat they would look at you and say, "where the heck is my food you dumb dumb head?". No please don't misunderstand me, I love my cat Sushi too, but halo is maybe just more affectionate with his love, heh.

Well, we then watched School Of Rock with Sheila's parents and then played some Crimson Skies and now I should be in bed instead of doing this post, but heck why not show yall some love!!!

Well, we will be at the hospital all day tomorrow for Jay to get another round of Intra-Thecal Chemo (sp?) Apparently he gets to do three more of this chemo straight into his spinal fluid and then he gets to go back to the CHOP chem into his blood. He has this Monday (today), Thursday, and then next Monday, then he starts back doing the CHOP.

The cool thing about the Spinal Chemo is that it does not effect his blood count so he gets to be out in public and does not have to worry about being around kids and stuff, but he goes back to that stuff in two weeks, so please keep him in your prayers.

also, Tiffany is leaving tomorrow morning for the Jr. high camp so be in prayer for her too. Yall Take care and God bless ya!

Oh BTW: I found a magazine I have fallen in loved with and it is not a Home Theater Magazine or even a Video Game magazine!!! It is a Christian Magazine and loved the one that I bought and read in the air plane on the way here. The magainze is called

The Christian Research Journal. It is basically a magazine about Apologetics in a postmodern world, and man I loved it! Now the guy that I think started it may have some theology that is different than what I believe, but it is still a great magazine and I am seriously thinking about getting a subscription to it. I hope if you can find it in the news stands around you or while you are out on the best date ever (Barnes-N-Nobles drinking coffee and reading free books only to go back and do it next week and read entire books and all kinds of magazines for free) then check it out, it should at least be an interesting read.

Ok, well I have to go to bed, it is 1:41 am here and we have to leave the house for the hospital by 9:00 am tomorrow. So take care and God bless yall! keep up the prayers! Thanks yall!

1 comment:

tiffinita said...

My sister and bro-in law are gettin g on the video game band wagon: I called today and Noelle was playing Mario brothers on an original Ninentendo (DG is now freaking out!!!). That just cracked me up!!!