Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The one about I am preaching @ Asbury Chapel tomorrow....

Well, I am sending out this plea for prayer! I have been asked (what are they thinking?) to preach in Chapel this Wednesday @ 11:00 am EST!

now most chapels I would not be bother at all by preaching in them...but this one is Asbury Seminary's Wednesday chapel. This is the chapel that I went to all the time while I was attending seminary. This is the chapel that I really did not think that anyone could preach in it unless they had written at least 6 books in total and had a "Dr." before their official name. This also is me preaching to the very professors that taught me, and even more importantly the students that are attending the seminary that I once sat where they will be sitting.

I think that Wednesday chapel is not too big of an event (not as big as Tuesday or Thursday chapels...but it is still a huge humbling experience for me to be preaching among those whom I respect so much! It is such an honor and privilege that I am still kind of floating around wondering why? (Of course I still wonder why God called me into the ministry every now and then, but I will go and live a life of sacrifice. How can I speak the life of sacrifice if I am not willing to live it!

After tomorrow, I will post the sermon like I always do for all of you to read it if you want to. Take care and God bless yall...and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Keep Up The Prayers!!!!


DGH said...

Thanks Eric...love you too!

Anonymous said...

Just let me say that DG was awesome in chapel today. It reminded me of the "Kalas effect" chapels I used to go to. This is a term I invented for when Dr. Ellsworth Kalas would preach in chapel. He would point out something that needed to be changed in our lives (never in a condemning way) and that we needed to grow in Christ and move beyond it. People would leave these chapels in full agreement that "Yes, we need to stop doing "that" (whatever it was)". But then, before the end of the day, people would settle back into their schedules and their rutts and forget all about what was said in chapel without even taking that first step towards change. This is the Kalas effect. Sad that such a phenomenon is attached to such a dear man, and that most people that he touched through his sermons never moved in the direction he was pointing.

But, back to DG. He did a great job and his message was very good one, as you'll see when he posts it. He said butt and freakin' (which drew gasps from one of the people I was watching chapel with). But his preaching seemed authentic. Not to put down other chapel speakers, but DG has a way of preaching as if he was conversing with you and not preaching at or lecturing you, which tends to happen in seminary chapels. So, in my humble, unbiased opinion, I think DG should be put on a normal rotation as an ATS chapel speaker. Let's start him out at twice a week and see if we can increase it from there. ;)

So, good job DG.

DGH said...

Thank you so much Kurt! your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! You are way to kind, and I promise that I have not paid him anything! Just an amazing man of God that Kurt is! I wish I could hear him preach! I bet he may have a few words of wisdom for the world from Christ too! Thanks again man! God bless ya!

Oh and I will post the script of the sermon soon, and I was told that they will try to have it up on the website soon, and when that happens I wil put a link to it so all of you can hear it! Thanks!

Scott said...

Hey DG -- got you pod cast today! Normal People. This rocks. Very passionate. I agree with you.

DGH said...

Thanks Scott. I did not know it was up yet. As son as I find the text part and make a few changes to the text then I will post them both. Thanks again!