Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This fat boy this morning just torn or severely sprained his hamstring muscle.....

Yes, that is right! I ran this morning and either tore my left leg's hamstring or severely sprained it...because I cannot straighten it at all! I had to be carried off the track from my friends and drove myself home to call my Dr. to find out he is out all week, and I have to leave a 30 mins to catch a flight with my wife t go to my Ordination interviews in Albq. NM. Yes, that is right, I get to drive to Louisville, KY and then be in airline fights with a left leg that I can not straighten at all.

So.....with all of that said....please be praying for me through Thursday until I can hopefully get to a Dr. and find out exactly what is wrong with me eventually!

And pray that I can forget about the pain during the interview and make it back here is one piece...Oh and please pray for Tiffany too...she is having to take care of me the entire time and also do her interviews as well. I feel so bad about all of this...oh well, such is life and I still give God praise and can rejoice in the life I have!......

but we sure could use your prayers. This will not be a fun day today...but we are up for the chalenge. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Please get well!! I am so glad that you and Tiffany did so very well on your questioning at the Board of Ordained Ministry in New Mexico. Just take care and let God take care of you.

Anonymous said...

NM? Are you all possibly moving back or am I just confused on something? I do hope you feel better as well, and I'm with you on that one.. I cant stand running!

DGH said...

no just went there for our interviews...I am still a member of the NM conference, and I will transfere my membership to KY next year. Nope we are still staying in KY.

I also heard that Death told me you were not going to be playing Halo2 anymore? are you giving it up for lent or something?

Anonymous said...

Yeah its true.. no more Halo, not at my apartment atleast. With school, work, and spending time with wife & kid, I just don't have the time to play the 360 anymore. We're also trying to get on top of bills and start saving up for some things like a new car, and eventually a house, so we talked about it, and I sold the 360 yesterday. It was just more of a distraction and I was missing out on other things. I still plan on hopping on once in a while at Calvin's or something.