Happy Valentines Day everyone...I was so busy with getting new Cable Broadband Highspeed internet installed @ the house and taking my wife out to eat and watch a movie yesterday that I forgot to post it! So, one day late and a whole bunch of love are yours from me in the most mainly, heterosexual, Christian way possible....that's a bunch of platonic man love going on there....and don't yall forget it!
Oh and I just found probably the best example of web 2.0 on the net! It is called Goowy. and you can see that I have placed a perma link to it over there on the right side of my blog...but it is basically a mac Desktop as a webpage or as your desktop too (if you DL that one)...but they have widgets and so many different customizable options that it is crazy custom! And when you sign up you get email, you can transfer your contacts and other email addresses (i.e. gmail, hotmail, etc..), it has a calendar, etc.... I am still playing with it and I am loving it...it is amazing and I hope that a few of yall try it and find out how much fun it is!
Have a great week everyone and KUTPs!!!!!
in celebration of valentine's day (a day late), allow me this moment to express my emotions...i wish i knew how to quit you
keep persevering in Christ and in love for his people brother!
ah thanks!
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