Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I just ran a 1200 without stopping!

Now I know that most of you are skinny and in shape and I know that lots of you might actually love to run...but I have got to tell you the last time I actually ran a 1200 was......well.....never.....I cannot even remember running a 1200 my entire life! And I guess that is what you get when you are a lineman in football you run 10 yards and walk back to the huddle hundreds of times...and in track I was always a sprinter (I am taking Jr. High here, heh) so the most I would run is maybe a 400....and now it has been what 11 years since those days and needless to say the mot I did in under grad was intramural football and lifting weights...and then in Seminary I bet the most I did without stopping was probably an 800.....and today I broke a PR (personal record)! I ran a 1200 without stopping...I of course always get in my mile so after walking another lap and ran one more to get my mile in!!!! but I have got to tell the world that I feel great! I don't feel like I have lost that much weight...but running is actually kind of fun to me now...I used to dread it with all of my heart because it reminded me of the Track days in Jr. High with my teammate puking all around me, heh....but now I actually enjoy it!

I must put a ton of thanks to John my personal trainer (that is really just a friend that runs with me..but it is great to have him out there to run with...and Court is great to have out there too...And all of the other guys and gals out there from the home school co-op...but I must tell the world...that my main goal is to get a mile behind me with-out stopping, and then I will just continue that ad maybe reach 5 miles and run in a race around here some day! But until that day I can wait to just get my mile in!

So needless to say.....I also thank my God and my wife for pushing me out of bed (even tough I wish she would come with me and just walk around the track to see if it would help her hips from hurting (she had surgery as a baby and they are all kinds of messed up with arthritus)....but I had no idea that this fat hairy guy to actually run close to a mile and now that I have done three laps I know that the 4th one is not too far behind!!!

So, all you fat people out there.....read my typing! Get your butt to some semi-flat ground and put your feet in front of the other one! Find a friend and go for it! go watch the Biggest Looser for inspiration...but more importantly find a friend that will go with you and join me in the joy it is to feel good! Who knows maybe by the summer I might actually have to buy new clothes, heh.

Well, other than that I love every single one of yall and tank you for reading this blog! heh....


One other news we took my dog Halo to the Vet Hospital Sunday night and he has really really really bad Asthma. Apparently he is allergic to something around here and it is causing his breathing to go to next to nothing! We thought he was going to pass out ad die it was so bad...but now after 132.00 and 97.00.....and a 157.00 the week before bills for Vet visits we hope he will be doing better.....oh and keep us in your prayers with our finances too....we were not expecting the latest two charges and that is a lot f money when you have none, heh....

Oh and also If you have any financial problems or would just like to better manage them...then I would highly suggest you attend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! This program is very good, funny, and sound.....and one we can get our feet on the ground with our spending then I know that this program will help us! If you can find a church or place that is offering it I would highly suggest you go try it out! It is so worth it to us!!! and if you have no money to take the classes (it is only a few weeks long) then ask a church in the area if they have any scholarships...you might be surprised!)

OK...well I love you all again and pleas know you are all in my prayers just for reading this blog...and not too many other blogs give you that gift! So comment away and know you are being blessed and loved! KUTPs!!!!

Oh and one other thing.......... GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and TW blog has been updated!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the accomplishment! Keep it up! I'm proud of you. On a serious note, please inform your wife that as a fellow arthritis sufferer, regular exercise actually helps my arthritis in my leg a lot! She may not be able to go run with you, but even just walking a few laps might make a big difference in how she feels.

Ah, undergrad intramural football, VIVA LOS GRENGOS LOCOS!!!!!!!!!

DGH said...

Thanks Cody! i wil tel Tiffany...and I can't believe it...you were nice to her!!! Man, this is a miracle day! You don't see that every day, heh!

Anonymous said...

Psh. ::stationed in Seattle::

tiffinita said...

Boy, I am soooo proud of you. OH, and you also have finally convinced me to go walking with you. I will go! I love you. Oh, and Cody, does that mean that you love me. ahhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

D.G., So glad you made it around. I read the comment of Tiffany and hope she joins you, too. I need to just eat less and less rich meals. It's hard when you are in your 60's, also. Still love swimming due to problems with joints.